Snowflake challenge: 14 & 15

Jan 30, 2020 20:12

Day 14: Talk about a favourite trope
It's not really a trope, but I'm going to say it anyway: characterisation. I'm reading fanfic because I fell in love with the characters. I'm reading shipfic, because I enjoyed the way the characters I ship interacted in canon. The characters is what I'm all here for, so if I read a fanfic with them in it, I want them to be in character. Do I have favourite tropes or themes? Yes and no. I can't think of any tropes I enjoy at all times. It all depends so much on the characters I'm reading about. Certain characters just lend themselves to certain tropes better. For Snape/Harry, I gravitate to bittersweet war-time fics, because those have all the intensity that I associate with these two characters. For Harry/George, on the other hand, I prefer post-war hurt/comfort, because Harry's interactions with George are friendly. George brings out different aspects of Harry's character than Snape, so I want to read different fics for these two ships as a result. Simple as that.

Day 15: Create your own challenge
One of my themes throughout this Snowflake Challenge has been fear and facing it, so it would be apt if I made that into a challenge. We all have a project or task that we want to do, but haven't yet, because we're scared of it. Maybe it's fear of failure, maybe you're afraid of being seen as weird when you do it, or you might be nervous about something else entirely. Whatever it is, face it and start on that project anyway! Just take the very first step. Start with something small maybe. Open a google doc for your fic, pick a colour scheme for your drawing, tell someone about the project. Whatever your next step is, just do it! You'll find your momentum from there.

If you need someone to hold you accountable, feel free to comment below to tell me about your project, and when you want to have it/ the next step done, and I'll get back to you before that deadline to ask you how things are going!

I'll go first: I started on a bookbinding project back in October, but still haven't finished yet, even though it's a gift for a friend. I genuinely couldn't work on it in November and December, but I have no valid excuses for January. The problem is that I've messed this project up. I didn't know how best to bind this, so I came up with my own method, but that didn't work very well in this case. As a result, most of the work on this project has consisted of trying to fix that mistake as much as possible. It's very discouraging and that's it why I've been dreading to continue with these books for so long. However, it's still possible to turn them into nice, usable books, so that's what I should do. I honestly only need to make the covers, which is the very last step of the process. It will still be a lot of work, but I should be able to finish it in February, so that's the goal. I will write a post about making these three sheet music books as soon as I've finished them, as proof. If you don't see the post sometime at the end of February, please call me out on it!

These are two of the three books. I'm already a few steps beyond this, but I'm posting this so everyone knows what I'm talking about.

So that's my scary project for February. What's yours? This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

fandom, snowflake challenge

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