February bookbinding wins

Mar 01, 2020 21:03

In my previous post, in which I was asked to come up with my own challenge, I said that I wanted to finish this bookbinding project I had been struggling with. Well, I have some joyful news, because I did it! I've been steadily working on the books since writing that post and finished them yesterday. I'm so happy and relieved they're finally done!

This project came to be because one of my best friends handed me a pile of her favourite sheet music pieces and asked me to make a book out of them. She plays often and found it impractical to have all her sheet music on separate sheets. We decided quickly that it would be best to bind them into multiple volumes, because one big book doesn't fit onto a music stand. I've never done multiple volumes before, so I was really excited. Making three books that all have to be the same size, and look good together but also separately, was an entirely new challenge for me, but one I was very much up to.

It was easy to decide which sheet music would go into which volume. My friend had solos, duets and group pieces, so it made perfect sense to make one book for each of those categories. After we had made that decision, the design popped into my head almost immediately. I wanted to make the cover look like sheet music as well, with one set of music bars for the solos, two for the duets and three for the group pieces. That way the books would look like they belonged together, but it would also be easy to tell them apart.

The cover is made with bookcloth inlays, so the strips of black and white were all cut separately and then glued together side by side. It was very time-consuming and my hands still hurt from having to cut 30 small strips of black bookcloth, but hey, we got there in the end. Oh, and the endpages match the cover design as well, but with a reverse colour scheme. I made those with a white gelly roll pen and a ruler and I think they turned out very well!

So there you have it. I've given the books to my friend already and she's very happy with them. Hope she'll get a lot of use out of them!

This entry was originally posted at https://antuhsa.dreamwidth.org/8724.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

crafts, bookbinding, books

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