Snowflake Challenge: days 10-13

Jan 26, 2020 19:59

Day 10: Talk about someone who inspires you
I've been inspired by a lot of people during my years in fandom, but I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to my very good friend Williamsnickers, because I'm not doing that enough.

Williamsnickers, I'm so happy to have you in my life! We met more of less by accident, in a space where I didn't expect to make any new friends, but there you were. First you commented on something I said, then I commented on something you said, and soon we were spamming every comment section we were in with our long conversations. We moved to Discord soon after, where we continued talking. It's 1,5 years later, and we're talking still. And I enjoy every moment of it. I feel like I can share everything with you: unpopular opinions, ideas for fannish projects, RL struggles and victories. All the things I'm not open about in fannish spaces usually. Talking to you feels safe, because I know you won't judge, as I won't do with you either. I'm so proud that we managed to create this safe space together and I hope you're as happy with it as I am.

My online life has become much more rich and meaningful since meeting you and I can't imagine fandom without you anymore. I've even become more relaxed in real life, because I know that someone out there has my back, no matter what. So thank you for being here. I hope we're going to stay friends for many more years. I'm looking forwards to seeing where life takes you, and I'll support you every step of the way.

Day 11: Recommend a resource
Coincidentally, I discovered a new fannish resource earlier today. It's called Newbie Guide and can be found on LJ. The community itself is no longer active, but it has useful links and other resources for many different fandoms. The most interesting entry to me personally was this list of HP LJ communities. I'm quite amazed, because I had no idea this many HP related comms existed. I bet most of them are long dead, but I'm still looking forwards to browsing through the list and seeing what I can find!

Day 12: Commit an act of kindness
I did. One of my clients went through something bad and needed someone to talk to. That person ended up being me. I stayed at his house for much longer than I was supposed to and listened to his stories, gave him something to drink when he cried, and laughed with him in the few moments he found something to laugh about. The whole situation is very painful, and I'm glad I was able to do something to help.

Day 13: Create a fanwork
Working on it! A while back, I had an idea for a binding of a fanfic, but pushed it to the back of my mind because I didn't think I was skilled enough to pull it off yet. I've changed my mind now though. During the Snowflake Challenge, the author of that fic wished for fanart for their fics, and I took the chance to ask them if they were ok with me binding this particular fanfic. They were very excited about it, so I've started on it. I'm still in the very early stages, but I've already been practicing the techniques with books I made for class. I hope the fanfic is long enough that I can go for a rounded spine. If yes, the fic will soon look like these two books I'm working on now.

If the fanfic isn't long enough, I'll give it a straight spine, and then it will end up looking like the two books in the background that I just finished. Anyway, I haven't created a fanwork yet, but it's in the works. Hope that counts too.

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fandom, snowflake challenge, personal

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