Nine Men with Nine Wives and Nine Wives with Nine Canines with Nine Deliberating Yo-yo Minds

Dec 12, 2009 21:24

Today has been rather topsy turvy. But, I'd like to say that, right now, I'm so much in love with John. I'd give myself an unprecedented 9 for this moment, though I've dipped as low as a 5 today. But a 9...holy jesus!

I've just felt, all day, that things are going to happen for John and me in the future. That there is a future for us. And that that future involves John's proposing, followed by my acceptance, followed by navigating the remainder of our lives together, in a soubresaut vessel.

But really, it hasn't just been today. It's been this entire week. And really, before this week, for a majority of the time (dismissing the pesky doubt that's wedged itself between periods of confidence).

And I love him. And I love him. And I love him.

And the more he validates my feelings about our past, the more my heart bursts with him. And the more he confirms my belief that he's just a wonderful, intelligent, caring, loving, handsome, loyal, rational, sweet, cute, prudent, understanding man, the more I feel like I may climb to a 9 again.

I love him. I love him. And I love his playing the Moonlight Sonata right now. And I love that we cleaned all day. And I love that he looked at Jester (who was laying on the ground looking like a skewered hog) before and said, 'you're cute, but you're stinky.' And I love that he made a Freudian slip earlier (perhaps even purposefully) when he said, 'we have to figure this out if we're going to be a relationship,' and then came and kissed me. And I love that I could chase him around the house this morning and jump on him, and that he said he loved it.

And so, I'm a 9, for the first time in such a long long time. Because, with my faults, - my stupid, stupid faults (directionally challenged, computer illiterate, inability to keep my dresser clean, etc.) - and his faults - his ridiculous and annoying faults (misusing words, computer application spendthrift, horrific at spelling, etc.) - we come out even and wind up both crazy and in love. Not necessarily at the same time, nor in that order.

So, 9 baby! Though, one thing on my mind: I want to tell him not to propose in Venice, because I want it to be a surprise. I know he'll kick himself for that and probably be quite upset, but it's a question that needs to be proposed with gusto, and I want it to "pop."

Ha....but I love him!

Also...I NEED to write Quinn back. Sorry Quinn! It's coming!

relationships, marriage, john, past, happiness, faults, love, proposing, venice

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