a little overcast and chilly today.... don't you love my weather updates?
Strangely...or not so strangely if I think about it... the weather really does still influence my moods. I can't seem to get warm today and I am feeling odd of sorts and, well, blue.
When we lived in Ohio I knew to expect this. SADD. I was 'officially' diagnosed by a doctor even (as if this is a hard thing to figure out on your own) who told my dear hubby to get my butt out of there and put me someplace warm and sunny. (He didn't listen--he did get me a space heater)
Now we still have plenty of sunny weather down here, even when we are having what, for here, is a brutally cold winter. So I can't blame SADD ... instead I have decided what I suffer from today is CADD. COLD affectedness disorder. I don't 'do' cold. Ask anyone.
And today, to compound my usual bitchiness crankiness, I don't even have the car...so I can't go for a drive and refill the internal joy well with a walk on the beach or just sitting and staring at the marshes or the boats. No one's fault but my own. D is having another new-mommy crisis and is positive the baby has something horrible. He has newborn acne/eczema. I am sure of it, LOL.
Meanwhile I shall have to throw myself into the joy I find with my sexy blue Khyr. Who couldn't appreciate THAT kinda havin' the blues?
Back to writing. Gonna be a good day.