The Day of the Moon

Apr 30, 2011 14:30

Is it just me, or did that feel a bit anticlimactic?

Like, everything happened really really fast and I had a hard time keeping all the plot threads straight in my head, and then suddenly it was over and the Silence have fallen. I have a hard time believing that's really it for the Silence, we've got to see them again sometime because the show has been building this up since last season and everything... and I'm just really confused.

Okay. Some thoughts.

-Moffat really likes the idea of perfect prisons, lol. Bearded!Doctor looked quite odd, especially in his normal clothes... so glad that didn't last very long. XP

-Seriously, show. No more making it sound like Amy is declaring her love for the Doctor over Rory. There was enough of that last season, we covered it pretty thoroughly during Amy's Choice, and oh yeah they happen to be married now. I understand Amy and Rory's relationship is dysfunctional (as evidenced by the fact that she didn't tell him when she thought she was pregnant) but let's stop beating that particular horse, okay?

-Particularly since Rory appears to have so much other stuff to deal with. Glad we got some answers about how much he can remember of the 2000 years he waited for Amy, and I'm glad he can close the door on those memories when he needs to. Rory= most devoted boyfriend ever, y/y?

-Amy appears to be carrying Schrodinger's Baby- it might exist, it might not. Very odd, but even weirder is the thought that the little girl in the space suit might be her daughter, who may have been raised by the Silence and may have killed the Doctor sometime in the future and oh yes may be a Time Lord. WHAT I DON'T EVEN. I feel like Moffat is throwing a lot of showy, flashy, shock value things at us, but I have no clue if he's going to be able to follow through on any of that and it's frustrating me. I did think for a moment that the girl was going to ask Amy, "Are you my mummy?"

-I am not quite sure how I feel about the Doctor saying about River, "Unlike me, she doesn't really mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that, kinda do a bit."

-River. Okay. Obviously whatever relationship she has with the Doctor is definitely romantic. I can deal, I guess,  although I still have trouble picturing this particular Doctor in a romantic relationship. It's still so odd to see him flirting! But what's annoying me now is the fact that apparently they are coming from exact opposite directions in time, which means that really there is no point to the whole "Shall we do diaries then?" thing. If that's true then everything in River's diary is part of his future, and none of it will help her determine where the Doctor has just come from in his timeline, so... what's the point? The one time they were actually on the same page (so far) was in the Impossible Astronaut, and even that appeared to be a fluke, since that Doctor was crossing his own timeline.

-Also- slightly resentful that the Doctor/River kiss got more screentime than the Doctor/Rose one in JE.

-I want fic of Ten and Martha stuck in 1969 watching the moon landing. I may write it, although I don't have a lot of time.

Anyway. Not sure if I like the new direction the series is taking... I'm finding it hard to follow, and I was a fan of LOST for six years! Still, next time is pirates. Should be fun. See you then!

river song, rory williams, doctor who, amy pond

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