The Curse of the Black Spot

May 08, 2011 21:55

LOL I don't have many thoughts about this episode other than general amusement. It wasn't the best episode ever, but it was okay. I liked the Siren, especially her singing voice- want to get a copy of that music at some point. Amy fighting the pirates was cute, especially since there was a reasonable explanation for them to be afraid of a girl with no experience in swordfighting whatsoever. Of course, then they had to go and leave a ton of other plotholes unfilled, like the magically disappearing pirate guy who was locked in with Amy, Rory, and the kid, or the fact that all these guys were on life-support for losing a few drops of blood, but what can you do.

The one thing that did strike me as way too odd/amusing was the CPR bit. It should have been an emotional scene, but I knew they weren't going to kill off Rory again so I wasn't really worried about him. Mostly I was just shaking my head at the Doctor standing around helplessly while Amy was trying to revive her husband...

Eleven is cute when he's worried, but I couldn't take it seriously because all I was thinking was "OMG Doctor stop being useless and do something to help!" Are there no medical supplies on the TARDIS whatsoever? If so, thats... really not smart (plus like a thousand hurt/comfort fics have just been rendered AU). Also, if after 900+ years of traveling with humans the Doctor does not know CPR... now is the time to learn.

Anyway. Speaking of Rory, I did like the bit when he went a little loopy thanks to the Siren's song... I was IM-ing a (younger) friend while she was watching that part, and we were laughing about how Rory sounded like he was drunk and it was awesome, but she accidentally sent a message to someone else she was chatting with who got unneccessarily worried about her. "Who the heck is Rory and why are you hanging out with a drunk person?" XD Good times.

So, not the best episode but not the worst either. I have mixed feelings about next week's episode... I do not have a good history with Neil Gaiman and his writing, and I'm not too thrilled about another "is she his wife" character, but on the other hand it looks like this is the episode where we see the old TARDIS console room plus other rooms we've never seen and I have been dying to see some of that since the begining of the show. Reserving my judgement until then.

rory williams, doctor who, amy pond

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