10:37pm: Yes, indeed the big day has arrived and I have crested the hill into thirty-four!
As previously mentioned, today was a most busy day for me, what with Mrs S this morning, the interview for the Library Collections Officer and then a shift at Mona Vale Library, phew!
Although...I'm not sure how well the interview went...compared to the one for the Inter-Library Loans Officer, which actually went ahead after all (yeah, I know, first it was off last Thursday and then I found out on Monday afternoon it was back on). I really should have prepared better for it, because the opening interview questions were about the job specifically and I really had no idea! How embarrassing is that?!! Also, it's full-time? I thought it was part-time, I must have mixed it up with the other one...
Anyway, I can expect to hear about the job on Friday, let's see what happens, I guess, I never can tell if I've done well in these things or not.
Anywho! Regarding my birthday, I actually celebrated with the family yesterday, because as I mentioned my mother left town today with her friend. So I got my birthday presents yesterday, including the green wallet! I've been waiting almost a whole year to get it (it cost 100 bucks so Mum and Dad paid for it on the basis I'd get it on my birthday, so ta-da!) Also the little bro showed up to the dinner which was quite a surprise, he even bought me a box of chocolates! How nice. :O)
Also, today my new Pusheen umbrella arrived! Hooray! Except...it also has a slightly wonky arm...they must all be like that? However, it's not twisted like the original one was, sooo yeah (I have no idea where that first one went...how did it fall out of my bag without me noticing?!)
I had some very good luck this morning as well when I discovered my necklace in the gutter next to my car, I'd taken it off to wear another one to the Inter Library Loans Officer interview and stuck into the front pocket of my bag and forgot to put it back on. So when I noticed it was missing this morning and couldn't find it in my bag I didn't have high hopes...so finding it outside was a Hell of a relief, especially considering the weather was a bit wild last night...guess it didn't rain after all.
Mrs S also got me a small present, a very nice necklace and a tube of lipstick. I wore the lipstick to the interview, it's a good colour on me if I do say so myself, LOL. And then I wore the necklace to work, it's very nice.
Anyway, I didn't get quite enough sleep last night so I really need to turn in, those zzzzs are needed like whoa!
Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!