Jan 13, 2018 23:30
11:19pm: Although I do at least have my two current jobs of course, so no need to panic on that count, but neither of the library jobs panned out. I'm so disappointed! Particularly about the Inter-Library Loans Officer! I really enjoy that sort of work, but according to the feedback the interview panel just figured I didn't have enough experience to take on such a big task.
As for the Collections Officer, I sort of fucked up that interview so I guess that's not a big surprise.
However, Mrs S has recently interviewed a new person to be a back-up, although it's possible said person may be interested in more hours. I hope I don't end up losing work!
I swear...when you come off poorly in interviews like I do, trying to find a job when you've managed to get one, even if it isn't entirely what you're looking for is is super difficult. I just don't have the confidence to risk my current position even if it's my dream job. :O(
Of course the thing to do, is not mention the interviews to Mrs S at all, but the thing is, if I do that and then get a job, even if I can give plenty of notice, she'll probably still feel kind of betrayed. But, eh, you gotta do what you gotta do I suppose?
Anywho, apart from that, things have been going pretty well, although I "only" got 7.5 hours of sleep last night and thus am most tired! Either that or I woke up at the wrong part of my sleep cycle...either way, zzzs are needed, I tells ya! Plus I get up at like 8:15am tomorrow to go to church with Dad, so I better wrap this thing up.
Oh! And I managed to survive the library today - the air-con remains on the fritz- but it was pretty uncomfortable at times. D: It's going to be much cooler tomorrow, hopefully I won't be chilly in my dress when I'm outside, but I guess that's a risk I'll have to take. :OP
And now, I'm out, goodnight all!
PS. I also went and saw M today after work and we played Cansta, we were in the middle of one game, which she kicked my butt in, and started another where she is kicking my ass. Man, next time I head over there I gotta step up my game!
lack o' sleep,
hot weather,
annoying shit,
job hunt: library,