11:40pm: Indeed!
Although to be more accurate I started putting everything away yesterday afternoon, but I ran out of time, plus it was quite warm. I'm glad I did most of it thought because yesterday's warm was nothing like today's "Bloody Hell it's hot!" For real it ended up been 38 degrees C today! Fortunately I was in the library for the hottest part of the day, although the air conditioner seemed to struggle a bit, one hopes that's because it was so hot rather than because it's breaking again. Next week I have to work four shifts, which is great money-wise, but it's still going to be above 30 degrees C tomorrow and I'd rather not die from heat exhaustion while working!
Anyway, I did say yesterday that I wanted to update you a bit on the big bro and family's visit, though I didn't actually get to see him that often! The little bro and I did go over on Thursday and had pizza for dinner with them at the parental abode, which was nice! My niece and nephew are pretty cool, for being under the age of three, LOL. My nephew in particular is a very smiley baby, he's only six months, but doesn't cry all that often, or at least he didn't while I was there! The same can't quite be said for my niece, she really likes hanging out with the big bro aka her father, which is cute!
Now, once again I've run right out of time and I have to get my butt to bed because as I said I've got work tomorrow both with Mrs S and at the library so proper zzzz's are needed!
So on that note, I bid you all goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!