To my favorite Yuletide writer!
First of all thank you so much for being awesome and volunteering to write in these fandoms! I love you already for even knowing them and enjoying them enough to want to explore them more. I hope this Yuletide is absolutely wonderful for you and nothing in my list stresses you out. If it does? Do what makes you happy. You being happy makes me happy.
What I like in general: slice-of-life, missing scenes, people being dorks under stress. I love family interactions, traditions, the little things that bind families and found families together. I like character exploration and mockery and snark, and I like characters that like each other, that strengthen each other just by virtue of their presence and support. I would never demand anything crazy plotty though if that is inspiring you, I totally enjoy that too.
Bittersweet tends to be my favourite tone but I am totally okay with either fluff or something darker. However if you’re going dark (and most of these fandoms definitely don’t shy away from the darkness), I would like some measure of light or hope at the end of the tunnel.
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over here if you'd like to check out my obsession with revolutionaries in general, dead French revolutionaries in particular, history, musicals, and hockey.
Rose Under Fire - Elizabeth Wein
Characters: Rose Justice | Róża Czajkowska | Maddie Brodatt (Rose Under Fire)
Code Name Verity was one of my favorite books of 2012, and Rose Under Fire is one of my favorites of 2013. The friendships and women being sensational teams and surviving. I'd really love to see what happens next with Rose & Róża in Edinburgh or at that Christmas at Castle Craig with the Beaufort-Stuarts. Alternatively anything at all about these amazing women.
Anything here would be wonderful and amazing and perfect. Rose and Róża are survivors, and I would love to see how that survival and hope and creativity carries on after the war. If you want to include other characters, please, please do. If you’d rather just focus on one of the ladies, that’s fine too.
Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken
Characters: Jack Kelly | David Jacobs | Katherine Plumber Pulitzer
I really just would just love to see post-musical fic of them being union organizers and reporters in NYC during the early 20th century.
I now realise that that was probably way too vague? All my requests this year seem to revolve around amazing teams, and Jack, Davey, and Katherine so very much are one. I totally ship Jack/Katherine forever so I’d prefer them to stay together in the end though I think they’re going to have massive numbers of issues to deal with (or ignore, I suppose) in order to stay together. Which doesn't mean fic has to focus on them or their relationship at all. Just that if there's going to be a ship mentioned, I'd prefer it to be theirs? I don't know how to say that.
There was so much going on in New York City in the early twentieth century - union organizing and women’s suffrage, communist & socialist organizations, after work classes & lectures for workers. Jack & Davey & Katherine would just enjoy it so very much - and find so much to fight for even after the Newsboys Strike was over.
Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
Character: Cath Avery
The one thing I felt was missing from Fangirl was Cath's online interaction & friends. I would absolutely love to see that filled in somehow. But if that doesn't appeal, Cath & Wren being an amazing team or Cath & Reagan living together & mocking people in the cafe or Levi being his adorable self (and maybe the meeting of his family?).
I think the one thing I’d really rather not see here is Cath deciding to establish a relationship with her mother. Anything with Cath & her father would be read with love, but - I am 100% behind Cath’s decision to cut her mother out of her life.
What continues to happen with Cath & her fic now that Simon Snow is over. Does she move into a new fandom? Does she give it all up for her original writing? Does she actually finish Carry On, Simon? On my first read, I thought it was clear she did, but when I reread it a few days back, it seemed less black and white.
The Montmaray Journals - Michelle Cooper
Characters: Sophie FitzOsborne | Veronica FitzOsborne
The FitzOsborne ladies are flat out awesome. I could type out another fifteen superlatives without even feeling like I’m touching their degree of amazing. Anything you could write with more FitzOsbornes in it would make me incredibly happy. I love all the FitzOsbornes & their people so add in whoever speaks to you. Feel free to focus on just one of the ladies or both, whichever works for you.
This is basically a redux of my request from last year, but my adoration for the FitzOsbornes knows no bounds so. Post-canon fic would be great - maybe future summers on Montmaray or Veronica & Sophie coping with Toby, Simon and Julia’s household? Veronica dealing with the Foreign Office or Sophie getting pulled back into one of the Colonel’s schemes could be really interesting. Which isn’t to say that the war wouldn’t be excellent too - as long as FitzOsbornes at War is, so many stories aren’t told. What really happened on one of Veronica’s trips to Spain? How did Veronica and Sophie (and sometimes Henry!) pass the time in their bomb shelter? What about those potato pamphlets?
The FitzOsbornes seem ripe for crossovers so if you want to run that way, I’m all for it. The Pevensies or one of the Fossils from Ballet Shoes, Peggy Carter or someone from Code Name Verity. It would be awesome.
Tricksters - Tamora Pierce
Characters: Alianne Cooper | Dovasary Balitang
This is another post-canon request - Aly & Dove are my absolutely favorite Pierce characters, and I would adore seeing them working together and continuing to grow into a team after Trickster's Queen. Or maybe one time they really fail at working together, but the bond of friendship & respect between them is so very important to me.
I really love the characters in the Tricksters canon, but the plot is totally problematic in so many ways. If you wanted to explore the issues there, I would really like to see it.
I don’t hugely ship Aly & Dove, but I don’t not ship them either so if you wanted to go in that direction, I’m all for it! (Though ...if there could be some consideration made for Nawat, this would be awesome)
And finally - if any of this stresses you out or doesn't work for you, feel free to ignore it and write what inspires you. I can't thank you enough!