House: Both Sides Now (title love!!)

May 11, 2009 21:06

OMG HOLY SHIT #^$O%&)@(#$$($)@*@)!!!!!!!!!!

I totally did not see that coming. It was all a hallucination! Totally worked for me. I was all blah, this episode isn't very finale like and then the finale blows my mind. I now beg forever forgiveness from Saint Doris Egan for ever doubting her (I tried to trust her, it was just hard) and then that end comes through. Wow. I'll definitely need a summer to digest that.

SOOOOOOOOO much House/Wilson squee with that ending. INTERSPERSED WITH A WEDDING!!!!!!!!!! I mean how much more canon do you have to get that they are totally married to each other? And god, the LOOKS!! And Wilson GIVING HOUSE STUFF PARELLELING CHASE GIVING CAMERON A RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just...I was so speechless and overwhelmed with joy. Even in the midst of so much sadness and horribleness (House in a mental institution! whoa), it was the ultimate H/W ending. And I just adored the parallel with House walking away from Wilson like Wilson walked away from House in 501.

KUTNER! Awww *hugs him* And Amber!! God I was glad to see her. After the last episode, I just couldn't believe House would detox and lose her all in one day. And man, I am SO happy that all the amazing H/W touching and loving and good stuff from the last episode was real while most of the House/Cuddy stuff wasn't real. Pretend all you want, House, the truth is you and Wilson! Hee. I liked the patient too, interesting with left and right brain stuff right from a psych textbook and the intersection with House was very cool. I love House being afraid his relationship with Wilson was doomed if he was with Cuddy (awwww). I know there was some other slashy and great H/W stuff, the end is just overtaking my brain right now. OT3 stuff was all great and reminded me why I love them while House/Wilson/Amber doesn't work for me because they're too at odds with each other. Still interesting though.

Man, what an episode. *bows at the shrine to St. Doris Egan*

house/wilson, house

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