Original slash (remade) and Office love

May 08, 2009 02:17

So thanks to LJ, I was reminded of Star Trek midnight screenings (thank god for the time difference) and biked over to the theater to watch it. Had to see my Kirk/Spock and Zachary Quinto! I've seen a few episodes of the original series (plus vids) and looooove Spock so I was pretty easy going into it. Lost people aside, that is.

Loved it! Oh god, the slash was off the HOOK. And I absolutely loved the new Kirk and Zachary Quinto was just insanely hot and renewed my love for him. I really love the AU concept and it was SO AMAZING to see Leonard Nimoy not just as a shoutout but as the real deal. God, the mind meld was amazing. My biggest problem with the movie was the horrible treatment of women, I can look past a lot of things but women has only love interests and constantly in miniskirts and male gaze crap is annoying. And of course icky Cameron showed up in the beginning, she needs to stay the HELL away from my ships kthx. Also hated the total random Spock/Uhura pairing was ridiculus for me, if it's Spock I expect to see BUILDUP. Argh. But ignoring all the women stuff, I had a fun time.

Let's talk Kirk/Spock and slash. I looove that Kirk messed with Spock's test, that whole scene was made of hotness. I love the arc of them being enemies and turning into friends. The intense stares/eyefucking was amaaazing. One of the best parts was Kirk getting all up in Spock's face to make him get emotion-so close to kissing- and then the fighting was even hotter especially Kirk lying down all panting at the end. Guhh. Love Kirk then protecting Spock and also being jealous of him kissing, haha love the looks. And then the end...wow. First old!Spock meeting Spock and telling him he can't even imagine what he and Kirk will be (can't remember the exact thing)...god so much unsaid and love *happy sigh* And I LOVE McCoy, was a bit thrown by the youth but he was hilarious and awesome and won me over even more than the original. Totally slashing McCoy and Kirk especially with the funny treatable scene and saving him and carrying him. And of course McCoy and Spock were slashy as well along with the parachuting scene with Kirk/Sulu.

So much awesome. Wish I could watch with some fellow slashers though. There REALLY needs to be a vid of that movie. Lots of slashy shots, motion and special effects, sounds perfect. I love how the explosions were representative of my emotions at certain parts of the movie.

Okay, so as cute as Michael dancing was, I was beginning to feel a bit disappointed early on in this episode. Didn't find the last two episodes very funny and this one was feeling the same way. BUT. The Office isn't really about big laughs now. It's about character and relationship and boy did this episode deliver. I had NO idea that I would be super happy just watching all my Office family dance an entire episode but this episode was the stuff that dreams were made of. It was PERFECT. Throughout all the dance scenes I was so ecstatic and beaming and in love and god, I love these people.

Erin's won me over and she was completely adorable with Michael and Kelly. And Phyllis!! Aww she is so awesome to be the first one to go down to dance. Lee and Gene scene! ANDY/KELLY dance off!! I started to ship them right there, it was so cute. And Andy was winning my heart with his chair dance (Oscar cheering him on OMG love!) and Kelly was so freaking awesome. Michael's smiling at the dancing :D I love Angela being so tiny she can walk under the bar and I ADORED how she was tapping her foot, aww (Michael's smile!! eeee). I wanted to take away any non-dance scene in this entire episode but I'm glad Jim and Pam went down there to dance. "I like cheesy" Awww so cute and so much agreed. Michael and Jim dancing together was so cute!! *rekindled slash flame* Phyllis and Dwight dancing!! And then Bob came, he better not cheat or I'll lose all faith in this world. YMCA!! God, I love this show. Never end, show. Never end.

Oh and a HUGE congrats in order to Mindy Kaling who has a development deal for NBC!! I am so happy for her and excited to see another comedy from a woman writer about women (probably) from the writer of some of my favorite Office episodes (The Dundies, The Injury, Take Your Daughter to Work Day, Branch Wars, Golden Ticket and others). And when I met her she was really, really nice to me so I'll always be a big fan of hers.

kirk/spock, the office, star trek

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