Let the old week end and the new one begin

May 04, 2009 16:11

So glad this week is over. It was deadline hell week over here with a big hw assignment due on Tuesday and a test the same day. And then I worked most of the next three days on my Club Vivid vid, freaked out about it being a little late and then learned I had extra time til Sunday (had a self-imposed LJ sabbatical to work). THEN I of course forgot to turn in an assignment that's going to have BIG grade ramifications *sigh* You know those times when you can't stop laughing because everything keeps going wrong, kicking you when you're down and there's nothing else you can do but laugh? (and then you weep) Have done that twice this weekend. This is my life. Yesterday I took a break and watched TV and relaxed because deadlines are of the evil for a chronic perfectionist procrastinator like myself. On the good side, done with the vid which I like very much (was in sucktitus for awhile there) and VERY excited to do my Premiere vid. It's a good reminder that vidding with my heart greatly increases my motivation levels.

I'm on Dreamwidth! My account is here (does anyone know how to get the little DW user symbol?). As mentioned previously, I'll be crossposting and leaving comments open on both sites. I'll be moving to DW once I add everyone on DW (it's coming along slowly) and customize my journal so I like the way it looks. I'll be making a filter on LJ for non-crossposting people so I don't have to read things twice and since I don't want to defriend people. I'm just excited open beta is finally here and it's actually happening. Paid accounts are only $3 for a month and there are plenty of free invite codes flying around (check my friendsfriends if you need one). And bonus: no advertising whatsover. Including anti-gay marriage ones that were found on LJ the other day, joy joy. My prediction is most of fandom will migrate in 1-2 years but who knows.

Poll Dreamwidth

Have I mentioned I lost my old hard drive? Yeah, it was going to cost 650 to fix WITH the discount (originally 200 more) and no way can I afford that. So I lost my vid collection and lots of important documents and clipping for a vid. Ugh. As I'm rebuilding, I have to ask: can people make zipped documents of ALL their vids? Because it'd be so much easier to just extract that and not have to redownload every single link. I'm just saying, it'd be nice for the lazy among us. I will of course do the same.

I still have lots of stuff to catch up on and it's kind of overwhelming. On the good side, my roommate's been gone all weekend and next year I'm getting a single!! I am SO EXCITED because I really need my own room. I like my privacy. Plus it's in the Film/TV living learning community so I'm happy about that and hope to meet some cool people. Although as I have been reminded this semester, I really suck at making good friends. It's just so hard to figure out if people really want to hang out with you or how to ask them (like Fraser in Burning Down the House!!) and whether you can trust telling them the more intimate parts of your lives and how. Blah the internetz are so much easier.

I have the last Pushing Daisies episode in my posession but I haven't watched it yet. I don't want this show to be over :( God, what a tragedy. DAMN YOU ABC. I've been so cynical about ratings and shows being saved (Chuck, TSCC, Dollhouse) because it's just all about the money as shown by ratings and it's so depressing. I want to help change it but I don't know if I can either ability wise or in terms of ideal career wise. We'll see I guess. In good news: there's going to be a special preview of Glee at Paley next week!! I am soooo going, I've been dying to see this show. And I'm hoping and praying that Victor Garber will show up...I'd die of happiness. At least I'll finally get to use my membership since the last two times I've been foiled with car troubles and vacation trip.

I've been catching up on Desperate Housewives since Marc Cherry's coming to my school this Tuesday. SO excited! He's supposed to give great presentations. But I'm totally loving this show and I can't remember why I quit it. It has exactly the kind of funny that I love, the deliciously evil kind and omg that is so horrible, I can't believe she just said that (I love her). I love all the characters (well Susan's a bit boring) but Bree, Gabby and Lynette are made of awesome and deliver the best smackdowns. It's so much fun to watch. I'm in mid-S3 right now, hoping to be done with it by tomorrow night.

Are episode titles/writers spoilers? If so:

OMG THE FINALE IS WRITTEN BY SAINT DORIS MOTHERFUCKING EGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *jumps around like a crazy fangirl* AND the episode title is Both Sides Now which is the title of the first fanvid made by Kandy Fong feauturing Kirk/Spock of first slash fame...wow. I wonder if she knew that when she titled it. Probably not but who knows. I hope that bodes well for the slashiness...what am I saying, it's St. Doris, of course it'll be slashy!! And amaaaaaaaazing. I'm glad she got to write this one since she didn't get to write last years when it was her story (not that I'd give up Don't Ever Change). I trust the end of House so much more now, I really think we'll come full circle since the beginning. I mean, House's Head and Wilson's Heart could be the both sides and coming together! At least that's my interpretation. And now I'm not so worried about House/Cuddy which I'm very conflicted about and don't want to see happen at all but I will somehow manage to survive with my Doris writing things. I loved her House/Stacy so hopefully she'll do a good job. House/Wilson OTP baby, so made for each other that they can overcome ANYTHING :D

Oh god, guys I am so in love with House/Wilson I can't even. Like last night I was all GIDDY watching vids of them and listening to vidinspiring music and omgtheyaresoinlove. Everything I say seems so inadequate to describe them and my love for them. THEIR LOVE IS SO DEEP AND UNSAID! It's House Day yay! And one more week til the finale. All is well in my world.

dreamwidth, college, vidding, vividcon, desperate housewives, personal, rl, house, house/wilson, glee

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