
Apr 22, 2009 13:42

Miraculously I am caught up on my Flist. Remind me to never do that again. Thank god for being able to read all entries on a certain date. Also mostly caught up with TV, did some of that in Florida which was great. House was very happymaking and it was so good to watch it with indybaggins and squee over the House/Wilson stuff together. I could never break up with that show <3

Anyways, I had a fun, wonderful vacation in Daytona Beach, Orlando and Miami with all my friends, old and new. I finally went to Disneyworld which I've wanted to do since I was a kid. Back in the day, everyone at school would always go for vacation and I never did and always wanted to. My best friend went instead of going to my birthday party which always made me sad so now I finally got to experience it. I visited all four parks, went on most of the rides and got to meet Timon and Rafiki (lots of Lion King love there) so I was happy. Favorites were the Aerosmith roller coaster (LA!), Soarin' (CA!) and the Everest mountain roller coaster. Also had fun at the Daytona Water Lagoon and Daytona Cubs game as well as seeing the pretty, pretty Miami beach and South Beach. I made it home alright to CA thankfully with a small travel curse mishap at the end but it was okay in the end thankfully. I took lots of video with my shiny new Flip Mino video camcorder that I'll share later in the week.

It is nice being back in CA and not having to go back to cold weather (in fact it was really hot). Unfortunately I am really overwhelmed with school right now and on top of that I have a Club Vivid vid to make in nine days. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I'm feeling really frustrated because I'm having a hard time doing any college work and it feels like a repeat of my freshman year and I'm really, really worried I'm going to mess up again. It just feels so much easier right now to ignore it and hope it goes away even when I know that's a really bad idea. I'm behind on this one class and I try to read and focus on it and I get distracted and start not caring at all. It's so hard to get out of vacation mode. I have this one assignment due late tonight and I hope to god I can figure out since it's really hard. I do have lab today so I can ask my professor for help.

We had this TV class night where graduates from my school with jobs in the industry came back to talk about it which I was hoping would inspire me and it did a little early but at the same time scares me if I can even hope to find a place for me in there. I still find it so frustrating not knowing what I want to do for a career. I just want to do something I enjoy but it feels like nothing I enjoy doing can be done for work. I just wish I could stop constantly career angsting but at the same time I really wish I had the motivation to know THIS is what I want to do.

I'm definitely moving to Dreamwidth on April 30th although I'll still be crossposting to LJ and have comments open. I'm probably getting a permanent account if I can get the money. I'm just so glad there's finally a journal service that has improved features, listens to its users and won't pull the crap that LJ did with Strikethrough and similar as I trust its founders.

Thanks so much for all the comments about my grandmother, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately it doesn't look good as she has an agressive brain tumor with a very low survival rate/remission. I can't really believe this is happening, I usually can't deal with this kind of stuff unless I can see/hear it. I just hope for the best right now.

On a Vividcon note, I'm doing my first vidshow this year! It's called Motion Roller Coaster and here's the description:

Showcasing vids that feature a strong emphasis on motion, from external to internal, from found within the source to created, and for thematic, musical, emotional, and just plain shiny reasons. Get ready for a ride in every direction!

Please suggest any vids with a lots and lots of motion here or just fill out this poll and I'll check them out.

Poll Motion Roller Coaster vid suggestions

college, house, california, vidding, vividcon, personal, rl

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