San Diego and Florida

Apr 11, 2009 05:24

So I'm leaving this morning for Florida and I'm super excited. Just wanted to do a brief update. Went to San Diego for the last few days because I needed to get out of here for awhile and had a great time. I biked down the coast most of the way from Oceanside and the ocean was soooo pretty, best way to travel. The whole trip made me fall in love with California again and its beauty. I also saw most of the San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park and Seaworld so that was fun. Looking forward to spending time with deejay, clayangel, blackstray and indybaggins in Florida and checking out Disney World for the first time as well as Miami.

LOVED The Office this week, both episodes reminded me why I love this show. And loved Dollhouse again this week, 107 finally made me love the show and this week's episode got me to care about the characters and kept me intrigued with the plot so I'm happy. Parks and Recreation was alright, it got better towards the end so I'll see if the potential plays out better in future episodes. I just hope we get more heart and less of a S1 Office feel.

Let's hope the travel curse doesn't strike me again. I'll be checking my email and LJ as much as I can.

california, parks and recreation, dollhouse, the office, rl

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