Heroes OMG

Nov 19, 2007 22:10

WOW. Heroes came *this* close to losing me in rage and despair and now I am happy and in love with the show again. Talk about coming back from the dead. My initial reaction:

OMG THEY KILLED HRG THOSE BASTARDS!! Mohinder, go die in hell! In fact, I hope Sylar kills you after torturing you in every way possible. But I can't believe they killed my favorite, most interesting character! I hate you show and I will never love you again or care about you.

My post episode reaction:

YAY!!! He's ALIVE! Thank god :D With the blood, AWESOME! So smart. I forgive you show. HRG is back!!

Also, yay Claire and Bennett hug :) I was too shocked and enraged to feel sad so now I don't feel as bad for them but oh well. West redeemed himself a teeny bit but whatever. Also, I looove Elle who is awesome and messed up and has daddy issues and gets to inappropriately touch Peter and Mohinder. Who I'm still pissed at for killing HRG (you can't shoot him in the leg or something?) after he sees how bad Bob is but maybe it'll teach him a lesson for always trusting the wrong people. Matt was great too, what an awesome power but so very easy to abuse. And Angela is awesome but I really want to know who this woman is and what her power is. Hopefully someday.

Yay Heroes!


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