Vid Rec and Rewatching Shows

Nov 24, 2007 13:59

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great day full of reasons to be thankful. I've been feeling rather laconic and withdrawn lately so I haven't had much to say lately although I have a bunch of posts to make at some point. I truly am thankful to be here in the greatest place on earth, California (for me) and to have family, friends and the wonderful joys of TV and fandom. Don't know where I'd be without all that.

For now though, I have a vid rec for a vid I'm completely in love with! When I heard buffyann was watching and loving Queer as Folk and specifically Brian/Justin, I was ecstatic (I believe my exact words were "We got Buffyann! We got Buffyann!"). And today she finally released a vid for the show! The vid is When the Sun Goes Down, Brian/Justin, Club Vivid style with lots of fast paced, amazing editing with the most beautiful, hottest clips out there of my favorite ship. I haven't seen a vid this hot since Danger by f1renze. Beautiful use of motion that mesmerizes you into the wonderful world of the show. Also, two boys kissing and loving will never not be hot. I am a slasher at heart and always will be. *rewatches vid over and over*

I watched Enchanted the other day and enjoyed it a lot but it made me wish for a gay fairytale movie to come out. Probably will take it awhile but that would definitely make me happy to see. Sometimes I really wish there was a lot more shows like QaF out there where the default wasn't straight and slashers wouldn't even have to slash, it would just be there. I will keep wishing!

I finished my rewatch of Veronica Mars S1 today. Wow, that show will always emotionally get to me so well. Oh Veronica and Lily <3. I only wish the show had stayed at the same level for S2 and S3. It's nice getting to rewatch shows that I usually am too busy to. I'm rewatching House (or at least everything that has House, Wilson or Cuddy in it) in order to take clip notes (so boring but worth it!) for it and it definitely has some wonderful quotes and OTP and OT3 scenes. The end of 105 in particular is adorable :) House/Wilson just totally own my heart. It's funny how I've been adoring Wilson even more these days to the point where I almost wish the show was all about him. Are there any good Wilson vids out there that aren't too shippy? In any case, it's so nice to see Wilson actually get screen time that doesn't take place thirty minutes into an episode. In fact, a lot of the time he gets the very first scene. It just shows how important he really is, at least back in the day. Same with Cuddy who didn't get any of the screen time she deserved last week in an episode all about her. At least watching the first season is letting me see and enjoy House, Wilson and Cuddy so I can get my filling of them.

These Christmas sales are waaay too tempting when I don't have the money for it. I want so many TV shows on DVD! Not to mention the big screen TV and 1 TB external hard drive (it's for vidding!). Ah well, someday...

movies, veronica mars, house/wilson, house, queer as folk, vid rec, brian/justin

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