OK, so I finally joined the modern world or something and started using
del.icio.us. It's really fun to see the diversity of one's links (thankfully still have more proper ones than fandom based but... not through all those yet).
Also fun to see how many has linked the same thing; I have five million (OK, 15) - links to various HU sites (why a university can't have a site that uses Earth Logic, I don't know but for now I bookmark every useful page I land on because I'll never find it again otherwise) - and it turns out 7 other people link to our library database and grading database. Hee.
So, basically, now you can view the weirdness that is my interests. HP, beauty, IT tech and various fandoms. That works, I guess. Have a grand total of one single 'history' link, but then again I don't read that online much.