A Candle Burns in Fandom Tonight

May 22, 2020 21:55

It was with a lot of sadness that I learned that one of the very first friends I ever made in fandom, Liz Jones passed this March. I cannot remember her user name or even which platform we met on, though it would have to be Twitter or YouTube in my Andromeda fandom infancy. It didn't matter because we got to know each other better, under our real names, branching out into real world topics, though she was always up for some fandom natter. The internet wasn't easily accessed for her, so our conversations were few and far between but she was a warm hearted, bright and quick witted lady. Yes, she was an internet friend. It made her no less of a friend and I shall miss her. This star system is a little colder without her. Shine bright, you are stardust, Liz.
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