Y'all win (update)

May 01, 2020 23:25

First a thank you for my v-gift meus_venator !! What a lovely surprise.

Second, thank you for everyone who is still here on LJ in this little community. I was looking through posts from 2011 for something specific the other day and it prompted so many warm memories of everyone here.  Seeing people's first comments to me, first conversations, the great sense of community that I was welcomed with when I made the leap over from vidding Andromeda to include writing SPN was amazing.

Also, exciting news! My spn-j2bigbang story has been submitted and accepted. The EW photos were a godsend. They were so pretty!I had to finish my story about those beautiful boys. It is a terrible, awful first draft because, to finish it, I had to make the decision to write non stop from about half way. I am dreading the initial edit! After that I will need a beta, because I honestly didn't think I was going to stick with it. So, yes, my first piece of writing in forever! Go me!

I know that it is also a 'Go you!' moment for many of my flisties because I have been seeing so many making the push for the finishing post, and let me tell you - I am so proud of everyone right now. For the one's writing and the ones, organising and the ones having to get on with busy lives but waving pom-poms from the sidelines, thank you, really. It is what makes this community so special.

Personally, after my last (sad) post, I have avoided this space a little. I didn't want to be a Debbie-downer. The truth of it is, that after Tiesha and Cream died, my other elderly cat and and elderly gerbil, Lili and Cookie gave up within weeks and died too. They each had a unique and wonderful personality and I am glad that there was no longterm suffering. I am at the place now, where I have accepted it, I knew it was coming. I had so many cuddles with this ex feral girl on her last days, it was an absolute gift she gave me.

Cookie who had never been much for contact, chose to fall asleep on me, the final time. I felt honored by that too.

I was not going to get another elderly cat. Nope. I was exploring the adoption of a younger cat from RSPCA before the lockdown, and if Ella is still there after, then then we will see what she is like with other cats because  - along came a 7+ (possibly 11+)  abandoned lady who needed somewhere safe in a hurry.

And honestly, I would not have coped with this lockdown without her. She is a joy. Nothing like Tiesh or Lili and that is just fine by me. She is super affectionate with me but very shy overall. She adores cuddles  and is a whizz on the keyboard editing my fic (okay she's just wants to watch birdies on YouTube).

Yeah, Mitzi is here to stay.

I'm not one for talking about the current crisis. It sucks. My best friend in RL has lost her dad to it and is facing the possibility of losing her sister too. Another family friend who had been missing for weeks was pulled from the same river his little brother died in ten years ago. They are a large, ebullient Catholic family and they haven't been able to say goodbye with a proper funeral. I can't even imagine the pain. Survivor's guilt may be a thing because for me, lockdown ain't so bad, I was a shut-in for years and am way too comfortable with it. (My counsellor who spent years getting me out of the door will be screaming). Humans are persistent little parasites on this earth, so the chances are, I will survive and adapt. I am trying to look at the smaller picture right now.

And hey, there are still endless stories to be told about our boys.

Whatever is going on in your RL out there, I hope that some rays of light can be found in this little fandom space of ours.

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