Title: Failure to Realize
Pairings/Characters: Hisagi Shuuhei, Komamura Sajin, mentions of Tousen Kaname, no pairings
Warnings: angst
Spoilers: all the way through manga chapter 315 and the flashback gaiden
Rating: PG
word count: 1524
Prompt: hollow
Written for: Week #22
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Comments 20
I love Hisagi and he just looked so depressed and defeated that last time we saw him in the manga. I just couldn't stand for that to continue. I needed him out of his funk and ready to kick some ass. :D
Kensei's 69 appearance was the actual inspiration for this story. When I saw it the first thing I thought was now there's a REAL captain to look up to. Shuuhei just needed to be reminded a little. ;)
Thanks again so much for reading and commenting, it means a great deal to me. :)
*starts clapping*
This is amazing, you so rock out!!!
I'm so happy you enjoyed this. It really means a lot to me that you liked it, but even more than that, your comments made me smile and do a little jig.
Thanks! :)
Not that I need to, really, you know I like this piece. :)
I really love how you wrote Komamura. So completely IC. I can just imagine this whole scene playing out in my head.
You're getting better and better every week! <3
You know you don't have to leave me comments though. I don't honestly expect you to read it all over again and by the time it's posted here you've pretty well peppered me with what I needed to know. :D
I love Komamura too and I'm happy you think I did him justice, (and yes, really horrible pun intended).
Thanks for the encouragement, because it certainly has been fun. ;)
I wouldn't have even picked up on the justice thing if you didn't mention it. I feel dense. LOL.
I find stories that can worm their way into the gaps and hollows left by the author to be the most satisfying, and you've definitely achieved this here. Both of your character are strong yet flawed, are properly fleshed out. It's not just that their actions are realistic, it also fits both of their characters, even though we've only had hints of it from Kubo.
It makes me impatient to see these two again.
Thank you, too, for your kind words on the characters. I dread writing stories with minor characters sometimes because I feel my interpretation of them in the manga rarely matches anyone else's.
Still it's a hell of a lot of fun to see someone else enjoy how I see them. So thanks for that. :D
I can't believe how disappointed I was not to see Shuuhei in the chapter 315 Captain/Vice Captain spread. I want to know so badly what Kubo has done with him.
Their absence from the spread *is* conspicuous, and I think your reasoning is mighty fine.
I hope you can do the dance of 'I got it right!' when we finally do get to see the two of them.
I'd love to have my guess be right, but every time I think I've got a great idea Kubo totally blows me out of the water with something infinitely better. :D
I just couldn't stand not knowing anymore so I wrote my own reasons. ;D
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