Do the fangirl shimmy!

Feb 05, 2010 22:18

I am such a happy fangirl right now... *wags tail*
Oh, Show, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
You gave me Cas!whump. You gave me BOTH Sam and Dean caring about/for Cas. TWICE! You even gave me my own very favourite, the fainting!whump.
You gave me Michael!John lobbying Dean. When at the start of the season I was spazzing around wishing they'd get JDM to guest star as Michael coming into Dean's dreams to chat up, I didn't even... THIS WAS SO AWESOME! And wee!John was SO GOOD as Michael (and as John, mind you, but as Michael he really rocked my socks!)
Castiel + Sam = BFF! Ok, My eyebrow did raise when he came out with the "he's my friend" line. They haven't build much of a rapport on the show proper... but I love the idea that Castiel's imprinted on Dean to the extent that Sam's safety is so important to him he'll choose the human over what is essentially a)his sister b)his commander c)the one he regrets betraying (and therefore probably feels indebted to).
Young Mary/John are the cutest couple of the entire run of the entire show, and their love is more pure than... a very pure thinghy.
URIEL! Man, I missed him! Loved the little weaselly "Hi, Michael... er... I didn't know!" Also, apparently Uriel's vessel has only one suit of clothing in his entire life. Or maybe he keeps a special wardrobe for when he's needed by God. Or else Uriel primps up his vessel when he takes possession... Uriel's got a styling choice!
Oh, Anna. The zealot gone rogue. I'm in the minority that I've always liked Anna's character, but she got a terrific ending. Except, of course, another kick-ass woman bites the dust. Hey, any chance of getting Tamara back? And keeping her alive?
Mary being totally skeeved by Sammy!
John wanting to meet members of Mary's family!
The family moments! "I'll turn this car around!" ROTFL

Aaaand, I keep coming back to Michael!John. You know, i had a bit of a thing about YED!John/Dean and... er... I might be getting an addition to my dirtybadwrong pairings on this show. Eh. What is some more blasphemous incest among SPN fen, right?


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