(no subject)

Dec 11, 2007 21:39

Almost a year ago, I posted a list of fannish resolutions for 2007.  I'd say it's about time to revisit them.

1. Finish Egeria's Legacy. -CHECK!
Oh, yeah. Did that! And only on January 30th! Obviously a good sign for the year to come, right?

2. Host a Space Pirates Ficathon -CHECK!

spacepirate_fic  Yeah, did that.  As I suspected, I sorta suck at running ficathons, BUT! There are now SIX more space pirate fics out there than there were before.  I'm calling that a win.

3. Finish that Apocafic and give to
kellifer_fic as an insanely late holiday gift. -CHECK!
Revelations.  Cassie survives yet another apocalypse.  And hey, it wasn't even that late, in comparison to most of the outstanding birthday fic in my To Do pile.

4. Go to a Convetion -CHECK!
Went to Dragon*Con with
splash_the_cat, and
shutthef_up, as well as meet all you awesome people (you know who you are!!). The con was a complete blast and I am so thankful I sucked it up and went.  After all, it would have been an absolute shame to miss Chris and the Furries.  Plus....PONIES, people!

5. Finish that darkfic you started a year and a half ago -FAIL!
Make that two and a half years.  This one will have to roll over to 2008.  Better luck next year, fic!

6. Finish Moebius fic. -FAIL!
Again, doomed to yet another year in the unfinished folder. Sorry!

7. Participate in another ficathon -CHECK!
Um...I think I can safely say I fulfilled this one.  2007 should probably be known as the Year of the Ficathons.  Let's run through them, shall we?
Acceleration for
Ambient for
Brave New World for
Serendipity for
Beneath the Stains of Time for
I failed at the Finish-A-Thon, unfortunately, but five is not bad for one year! (Although at the time if felt like a heck of a lot more than five!)  *pats self on back*

8. Write in pairing/fandom I never have before -CHECK!
Sam and Jack still ate up most of my brain this last year, but I also branched out significantly.  I wrote Daniel/Vala. I wrote genfic. I wrote a wee of SGA.  I wrote a CSI fic.  I wrote fluff!! (gasp!) Yes, definitely branched out considering I don't think I wrote a single gen or non-SG-1 fic before this year. I'm going to call that a win for this resolution.

9. Be a helpful beta/sounding board -CHECK!
I don't beta a whole lot, but I do enjoy it and I hope I've been able to help a few people out (and not just make them hate me :P).  I am so madly in love with every facet of the writing process that sometimes I get *very* lost in it, to my detriment.  Maybe 2008 should be the year Annerb learns tact. (And I have Cordelia in the back of my head saying, "Tact is just not saying true stuff.  I'll pass.") Anyway, I have had some great writing discussions this year and I have learned so much from every fic anyone has been kind enough to let me glance at and every comment I've gotten from my own awesome betas.  I think I'll call this a check.

10. Be productive -CHECK!
Unfortunately I was foolish enough to qualify that statement with: "I pledge to not have so many unfinished fics laying around when the calender flips to 2008."  Hahahaha.  *looks at unfinished fic folder*  Hahahahaha.
So maybe my unfinished folder is as thick as ever, but I think I can claim productivity.
Finished Fics: 11 (that's not counting 23 chapters of String Theory)
Rough Word Count: 83,500 (and no, that doesn't count my 50,000 NaNo words)
Hmm...considering I took November off and was away from home and internet for another four months earlier, I'm going to take that as not bad at all.

So. Two giant failures, but I'm calling the other eight fulfilled.  Not bad for a year's work.  Now to think of what to pledge for next year!
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