Last day of the year already, huh? Man, how time flies. I thought I would take a moment to write out my fannish resolutions for the new year in hopes that it will make them more likely to actually happen. :)
1) Finish Egeria's Legacy. I actually spent most of a whole day working on that last chapter, but then I had a bit of a loss of faith in humanity meltdown and it derailed. I'm feeling much better now. (Many thanks for all the goodies and drinks and hugs, I've avoided looking back at that post at all and can't quite bring myself to reply to your generous and supportive comments, even though they certainly meant a lot to me). With one chapter to go, EG is hovering at around 55,000 words. Still by far the longest fic I have written. (other than As the Gate Turns, but I doubt I will be *that* insane ever again. Fingers crossed.) I love EG too much not to finish it or to just slap together a crappy ending. I hope anyone waiting can appreciate that.
Wheeee!!! 2) Host a Space Pirates Ficathon. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am going to be a terrible ficathon coordinator, but this must be done. If nothing else, I hope that it will allow some of you to have an excuse to write that fantasy pirate fic that you have been keeping a tightly locked away secret. And I also hope that the ficathon may be the impetus that I need to finish the epic Sam and Vala pirate fic I started a while ago. SQUEE!!
Space Pirates Fic Challege! 3) Finish Apocafic and give it to Kellifer as an (insanely) late holiday gift. I have been working on this fic for ages and ages and I can easily say that it is unlike anything I have ever written before. First of all, it's rather gen and second, it is from the POV of a minor character (Cassie!). I already suspect that it will have a tiny, tiny audience, but I am too in love with the idea to care. Heck, if I can get one person to read it, that would be fab. (Or, geez, just finish it!)
Yay! 4) Go to a Convention. I am considering venturing to my first ever con this year, if all things work out. I've just got to experience one of these in my lifetime.
Dragon*Con!! 5) Finish that darkfic you started a year and a half ago. This fic is unapologetically dark. Whumping, non-con, permanently damaged team members and things that can never really be gotten over. I think I've been hesitating with this one, maybe because it freaks even me out a little bit, but there is something that I find undeniably beautiful about it, which maybe makes me twisted. Note to self: Stop being so self-conscious and just write it. Every fic should be an experiment, or there's really no point in writing it.
Not done, but at least I started posting it! 6) Finish Moebius fic. Hand in hand with my darkfic is this fic, which is also rather unapologetically tragic. But there is just something there that needs to be said. Maybe they are out there, but I haven't seen too many Moebius fics dealing with the original SG-1 in Egypt. Too big of an oversight to me. There is a lot of interest in the au geeks, but what about the team we watched for eight seasons? Because no matter the 'fixing' of the timeline, that post-Moebius team fishing at the pond with fish is a different one. In my opinion. :) Plus, I also have to finish it because Strix and MajorSamFan have been so kind as to give me great betas and advice on the first two parts, I just have to complete that last part.
7) Participate in another ficathon. I did two ficathons this year, my first ever, and while one of them was rather painful, the other led me to write something I never would have otherwise, something I ended up liking quite a bit in the end. I'd like to risk this again. :)
8) Write a pairing/fandom I never have before. I want to try maybe writing an Atlantis fic or some other fandom. Maybe Lorne/Novak or something else entirely. I love Sam/Jack, but it would be fun to try a couple with a different dynamic. I guess I could also try to write a purely gen piece...but the ship just tends to leak in when I least expect it.
9) Be a helpful beta/sounding board. I love discussing fic with people and even more than that, I love the whole process of writing. Honestly, just *everything* about the process fascinates me. I would love to develop some tighter writing relationships with authors out there.
10) Be productive! Last, but not least, I pledge to not have so many unfinished fics laying around when the calender flips to 2008. We shall see.
I haven't listed 'finish Sting Theory,' because I don't see that as something to be 'finished.' That series has a life of its own and will continue to be written as long as that Sam and Jack decide to keep speaking in my head. (Which does not mean that I won't finish it as much as I just may never stop. :)
I wish you all happy and safe New Years. May it be a great one, filled with peace and greater compassion and understanding for all.