comment!fic war WOOOOOOO!

Oct 15, 2010 13:44

Fics for unsettledink 's comment!fic war

Fandoms: RocknRolla, Body of Lies/Dior Homme, Iron Man, Bunnicula
Ratings: K+, T, M
Warnings: sex, character death (marked)
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.

Fandom (rating)

RocknRolla (T)

Handsome Bob stops in surprise, making his boytoy of the night almost run into his back, because that's... Archy. And that's... Johnny? They're filling the alley with moans and gasps and curses and heat, and Bob quietly pulls his paramour back into the street. He'll let those two be. After all, they can't have too many chances to have moments like that.

Body of Lies/Dior Homme (T/T/M)

Homme used to get upset with him for messing with his clothes. Hani remembers a time when the other man would pulls away from him, no matter what they were doing, no matter how close he was to coming, to fussily fold his clothes and hang them neatly from the back of a chair.

Sometimes Hani wondered what it would be like to get them both in his bed at the same time, Roger and Homme, tie them up and lick suck fuck his way across pale skin on pale skin. He could get hard in a few moments just thinking about it, so the day he walked into his office at the GID and found Homme smirking at him, sitting lazily on his desk, he grinned.

"Welcome back, Homme."

Roger turned scarlet, trying not to stare at the thin hips and hairy chest and heavy erection pulling against the ropes and ties and silken scarves restraining them. "H-Hani Pasha?"

Hani smiled, that seductive grin that seemed to take Roger's breath away every time he saw it. "Please, Roger. Come to join us."

Iron Man (T/M-- character death!)

Sometimes Jarvis thinks about stopping Tony. It would be so easy-- he could lock the doors so Tony can't get to the refrigerator full of beer, or he could order Dummy to destroy the liquor cabinet full of bottles, bottles Tony clings to as he destroys himself.

Jarvis could refuse to open the Iron Man suit, could hold Tony in the embrace of metal, as close as he can come to a hug, and keep him safe from himself.

But he never does, and Tony drinks.

Tony whimpers as the harsh crackle of energy moves past his head, pushing back against the wall. If he could, he would burrow through it to get away from Vanko's burning eyes, but he's trapped, trapped, and no one's coming to save him. He's sniveling like a little baby, crying pathetically as his fingers throb, the places where his fingers should be, but Tony catches sight of the knife again and his stomach heaves, even though there's nothing left in it.

"Jarvis..." he whimpers, "Rhodie... Pepper..." but no one's coming to save him, and Vanko lets out a crazed laugh as he deals the final blow.

Bunnicula (K+)

That night, after the dust had settled and everyone had been escorted back into their bungalows, I couldn't sleep. Every time my eyes started to droop shut, I jerked awake, thinking again of how close I'd come to losing Chester forever. If Harrison hadn't answered the phone... if he hadn't left the door open...

“Harold?” I looked up to see Chester standing outside my bungalow.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered, nosing open the door.

He pushed in past me, speaking softly. “I... you keep whimpering.”

I looked down, embarrassed. “Oh... bad dreams, I guess.”

I was surprised when Chester rubbed his face against mine, purring. “I'm fine, Harold. Harrison didn't kill me. I'm here.”

I shivered. “But he could have.”

Chester curled up next to me. “But he didn't. Come on, Harold. Go to sleep.”

I curled around my friend, and gradually the shivering stopped. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought how lucky I was to have Chester beside me. I finally fell asleep, and my dreams were peaceful.

rating: t, fanfic, unsettled is my bitch and goddess, ficcage is my life guys, fandom: iron man, rating: k+, fandom: rocknrolla, fandom: bunnicula, oh slash, fandom: body of lies, rating: m, fandom: marvel, fandom: dior homme, comment!fic war

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