1. Happy birthday,
I hope you had a wonderful day :)
2. Today was pretty quiet overall. Church was pretty good today. I helped with the high-school class and we spent most of the hour deciding what to do with our $114 share of the money brought in at the rummage sale in late September. The kids decided to give all the money to
Heifer International, aka the Heifer Project. They also decided to do an "instant fundraiser" when they make their presentation to the congregation next week about how they're spending the money; one of the kids will say, "Well, we want to buy a goat, but we came up a little bit short. Could you kind folks help out a bit? If we get six dollars more we can buy the goat...but if we get another $36 we can buy a llama!" Naturally we're hoping the congregation will kick in way more than $36 so that we'll have a lot more than $150 to send to Heifer International. The other classes also got $114 each and it will be interesting to see what sort of social action project they're doing with their money. There will also be a "Thanksgiving feast" comprising foods from several countries (each class has to bring food from one country or region of the world). Should be interesting.
2A. Speaking of church, afterward as we were leaving, DD was talking to a boy I remembered from last year but had not seen in a long time. She said, "Mom, this is DB." Then when she was leaving she and DB hugged, like 3 times. And she said she had been flirting with him IN CLASS *headdesk* I am totally NOT ready for any of this. Amazingly this boy is actually taller than DD but that could be because he's 14 and in 8th grade. Gah. So not ready. Last year she HATED him. Apparently either he has changed, or she has changed, or both. Gah.
3. I see people talking about Christmas cards. I just want folks to know that I'm not going to do Christmas cards this year for people who aren't already in my address book. I just don't have the time, energy or (frankly) the money this year to add people to my list. Mr. A's book business is really getting hit by the recession and we're cutting back where we can. TBH I have done NOTHING about Christmas so far. Haven't bought a single gift, nothing. So, yeah. The holidays are very low on my priority list this year for various reasons. So, no poll from me about whether you want a card. Sorry :( Some people around here already have Christmas decorations up. I can't even begin to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving.
I should go deal with that pile of laundry on the bed.