Wednesday whinge

Oct 08, 2008 15:12

Well, at least the weather improved a lot today. It had rained the past two days but by noon the sky had cleared and we had a nice, clear fall day. That's the best thing about today; otherwise it's been full of minor annoyances.

1. When DD woke up yesterday, she went to the bathroom and barfed, so I couldn't send her to school. This morning when I woke her up, she said she had thrown up again during the night. Oy. I know there's something going around town; my co-worker Marty said that his young daughter got sick Friday, his wife Saturday, and then him on Sunday-Monday. So hopefully DD is done with this stuff. She needs to go back to school.

2. I like to buy a 10-ride bus pass (for $12) and use that as needed; some days I drive all the way to work because I need to use the car during the day for an appointment etc., but other days I'll drop DD off at school and then park the car a few blocks away and take a bus the rest of the way to work. I'm annoyed that I've had two passes in a row that simply would not WORK after I'd used them 2-3 times. (You stick the pass vertically into a machine that prints, on the back of the pass, what time you boarded the bus and how many rides you have left.) I know you're not supposed to "fold, spindle or mutilate" the pass, but neither of them looked like they'd been trashed. So I went to the city Transportation Department at lunch time to ask about the passes. The clerk was very nice but he couldn't help me; he said I had to go to the actual Metro bus office, which is like 12 blocks away. I can't go there today and they're closed/moving tomorrow so I can't try to deal with this again until Friday. Grrrr.

3. So when I left the transportation department (which shares a building with the downtown U.S. Post Office), I went outside and walked through the farmer's market and found the woman who sits across from the farmer's market every week, selling Obama gear. I bought a yard sign, but because I can't display election-related material at work, I had to remove the plastic sign-sleeve and put it in my purse, while I carried the giant-staple-like signholder. While I was paying for the sign I looked down and noticed that my work ID / building pass card had fallen off my lanyard. So then I had to retrace my steps, because I didn't remember where I'd had it last. So I walked back to the post office/transportation office but didn't see it there. Then I walked to the credit union, then back to where I had been (someone else's office in a different state building) before lunch, and finally back to my office. On my way back I told our office manager I thought I had lost my ID/pass and she said she would get me a new one. But I decided to check my purse one more time. Well, it wasn't in my purse - but I looked in my work email and I'd got something from a woman who apparently found it on the floor of the post office! She offered to leave it at the security desk of the building where she works. So I didn't need to get a new ID after all. Whew. Well at least that went right.

Hope the rest of y'all had a good day.

boy am i stupid, one of those days, buses, work, annoyances, rl: dd

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