Friday night: DD's best friend, CH, called about 15 minutes before we were supposed to eat dinner and asked if she could come over for a couple of hours. She'd already had dinner so at least I didn't have to try to stretch the meal to accommodate her, so I said yes. Apparently her mom and step-dad decided they (a) needed cash and (b) ought to combine that with having a date. So for the second time in several weeks, they wanted to drop CH at our house with almost no notice, basically using us to "babysit" a 13-year-old girl. CH is like a member of our family so I'm happy to have her come over, but I strongly dislike the way her parents assume we are available whenever they want. So when I brought CH home at 9 p.m. (no, they didn't pick her up), I told her that I'm happy to have her over, but her parents have created a problem with their idea that we should just be available for them to drop her off whenever. So I said that the next time they wanted to do this at the last minute I would say, sorry, no, you can't, which means, please plan ahead and don't use my house as a drop-off. We'll see if this sinks in with the alleged adults in the family.
Saturday - pretty quiet, thank goodness. The big excitement for the day was (1) buying a
new crock-pot and (2) watching the Brewers manage to defeat the Phillies on our nice new flat-panel TV. Also watched some parts of the Ohio State-Wisconsin football game and was unhappy when the Badgers lost in the last minute. Waaaah.
Sunday - Prepped a simple beef stew for the crockpot, because DD and I were planning to attend a going-away party at the church at 5 p.m., so we would make an appearance and come home by 7 p.m. and have dinner at home. Went to choir practice a little after 9 a.m., then helped with the high-school religious education class from 10 until about 11:30. Then I took DD and CH to lunch at Wendy's, then drove home and got gear to go to the health club. We got there around 1 p.m. and I spent probably 45 minutes on an exercise bike and a treadmill while the girls swam. I'd brought my headphones so I could watch the Brewers-Phillies game. Well, that part was a waste of time, but at least they didn't get swept, like the Cubs. Got home at 3:30, let the girls use the computer for an hour while I watched TV. At 5:00 p.m. the stew was ready so I turned the crock-pot to "warm" and we left for the party - which apparently didn't start until 5:30, though I had missed that information. Then it turned out that the guest of honor, DHH, was late arriving due to an emergency with his cat. There was a smallish crowd for the party but the food was so good we got full on it. BTW
abigail89, DHH is moving to Cullowhee, NC, to work as the IT director at Western Carolina University. Anyway we got CH (who came with us to the party) home a little after 7:30. DD was so tired, she was in bed by 8:30 p.m. I think she got up briefly at 11 p.m. to use the bathroom then went back to bed. She was already up at 5:30 a.m. today when I got up. At least she slept through the night; that's a big step forward, as her sleep has been very disturbed for months.
I know there was something else, but it has slipped through my Swiss-cheese brain :(