Almost-last-minute decorations

Oct 30, 2007 20:16

Somehow we managed NOT to buy a pumpkin this year:( I guess October was too warm, or we got too busy, but somehow we never found one so we never carved one. So suddenly today Darling Daughter said OMG Mom, we need to MAKE some decorations. We spent some time before dinner making tiny ghosts out of Kleenex and paper napkins and stringing them up outside the front door. After dinner we drove to Walgreens and bought more stuff (the good thing about waiting until 10/30 is that most of the stuff is on sale). We got a styrofoam tombstone and some "spiderweb" floss stuff and also 2 big pieces of black posterboard and some neon markers. So Darling Daughter drew giant neon-yellow eyeballs on white paper, cut them out and pasted them on the posterboard. She's going to put the "eyes" outside in the front garden so they'll shine out at trick-or-treaters as they come up to the front door.

Yeah, should've done this sooner but I think it'll work out. Now to make sure I know where the candy is - I'll be the candy hander-outer Wednesday night.

holidays: halloween

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