money, work

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  • (Untitled)

    annarti May 26, 2012 16:43

    Adobe CS6 cracked, finally :D Annual review scheduled for Tuesday :DD Crows anticipation building~ go boys <3

    So nervous for annual review. I know I shouldn't be, really, because I'll be getting something from it, it's just a question of having the guts to push for what I know I deserve. It's a big jump! And I think I can be reasonably confident ( Read more... )

    money, work

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  • (Untitled)

    annarti Mar 12, 2012 15:49

    I've washed the car (thoroughly, including vacuuming the footwells and wiping down the centre console), cleaned the kitchen, done the washing and put it all away again, created lunch out of frying up many many chopped mushrooms, onion and garlic then mixing that with yoghurt and chives and putting it on toast, gone for two walks, and paid for rego/ ( Read more... )

    fringe, puppetry of the penis, camera, money, being an adult

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  • Stuff To Save For

    annarti Nov 09, 2011 19:06

    Because most of this is full of crosses, messy and lacking in several things, and it's Christmas shopping season ( new list! )

    do want, money, list of doom, plans

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  • (Untitled)

    annarti Oct 16, 2011 13:11

    Tax lodged, wooooo government owes me money o/ First year I haven't gotten all my tax back tho, so that's annoying. Apparently I still don't actually earn enough to start paying off my HECS debt. That's... somewhat depressing.

    Yay~ government's going to give me my money back. Really shoulda done this thing months ago, but eh. Such is life.

    money, tax

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  • (Untitled)

    annarti Feb 28, 2011 18:26

    Today was the single most frustrating day at work ever. CMS, the program used for doing EVERYTHING in my job, was down for about an hour and a half from 11am, then very intermittent after that for the rest of the day. As in, it'd be working for maybe two minutes in ever ten. AND it's the last day of the month, which means everything has to be ( Read more... )

    money, work, shagna ii

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