(no subject)

May 26, 2012 16:43

Adobe CS6 cracked, finally :D Annual review scheduled for Tuesday :DD Crows anticipation building~ go boys <3

So nervous for annual review. I know I shouldn't be, really, because I'll be getting something from it, it's just a question of having the guts to push for what I know I deserve. It's a big jump! And I think I can be reasonably confident my bosses won't be expecting me to ask for it. I imagine they're expecting it to be a pretty easy conversation--well done Anna, yes you've done well, been here two years, role changing to be [blah], here, have an extra 5%. They won't be expecting me to whack my printouts on the table and tell them 5% will just barely bring me into data entry territory and that really I'd like 60% thank you.

SO NERVY. How do you approach that particular topic? Let the bosses bring it up, drop their 5-10% on the table, then argue it? Or do I bring it up with my salary tables, drop my 60% on the table, and dare them to argue it down to 5%? I JUST DON'T KNOW maybe I should've waited for Mum and more specifically Dad to get back from Turkey. I know, I'll send him an email. They'll be up by now :D

I WANT A HOUSE. I'm SO getting this happening.

money, work

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