End of Year Meme! And also, pimps

Jan 04, 2010 00:02

So, all hd_holidays entries are posted, and the Guess the writers post is up. You've got till January 16th to guess what everyone wrote. Am curious to see if anyone will guess mine :)


It's posting! About two fics a day, and so far there's been some real beauts :) :) :) :)

And now, reveling in my ability to be on the computer for more than ten minutes at a time - and to even have a real keyboard, a luxury denied me during half of December - here's my version of the End of Year Fic Meme that's been going around.

  • Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, fewer than you thought, or about what you predicted?
    Um... probably more than I thought I would. I did flood/drought in my last fandom - as in, from writing a few bloody novels a year to nothing for about three years - and expected to do the same here. Instead I'm... trickling. Possibly seeping.

    1. Ember to Ember, the last two DVD Extras (HP/DM)
    2. Guide those that through their councils (HP/RW)
    3. A Bit Unhealthy (GW/AJ)
    4. Coyote Morning (GW/LJ)
    5. Still anonymous hd_holidays fic (HP/DM)
    6. Still anonymous hp_canon_fest (XX/XY)(as in, I cannot even tell you the pairing, other than to say it's het, because all canon other than Dumbledore/Grendel is het and sorry, there is just no way I'm writing Dumbledore getting it on with anybody.)

  • Where did you publish/archive your stories?
    Lj, Pit of Voles, and skyhawke. Keep meaning to update FictionAlley. Some day.

    Also, whoa! Just realized there's about five things I never got around to posting/finishing at skyhawke. Ooops!

  • What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2009?
    George Weasey/Angelina Johnson. For serious. The pairing squicked me something awful.

  • What's your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest?
    Probably my hp_canon_fest, most probably because it's the last one I finished, and that's generally my favourite.

  • Okay, NOW your most popular story.
    Ah. Damn. No idea. Coyote Morning went over pretty well, I thought :)

  • Story most under appreciated by the universe?
    I always have trouble with this, because I never expect my stories to be particularly appreciated - 'cause I can see gaping flaws all over the place, in every one of 'em - so any appreciation is good, you know?

    Maybe Guide those that through their councils? I dunno though, I was pretty pleased with the reception. Especially for a piece that was supposed to be sort of introspective, subdued, no flash, and posted in the company of writers and stories that would make anybody's writerly self-confidence quail a bit.

  • Story that could have been better?
    My hd_holidays. I had the best betas, got an unasked-for and much-appreciated extension on it from the mods, but the problem was that by the time I figured out why I was having so much trouble with one particular aspect of it, it was too late to do more than just sort of try to make it... work somehow.

    OTOH, I did end up finding the SNL video "More Cowbell", and scrtkpr made a hilarious icon out of it, and all this would make so much more sense if I could explain it. But I can't, because part of why hd_holidays was tough to write was that I was writing hp_canon_fest at the same time, and why would that make any difference? Trust me, it did. Can't tell you why, though. Would love to. Can't. Had to do with a cowbell.

    More Cowbell.

  • Sexiest story?
    ::blinking:: Not sure I wrote that much sex...


    Ah, yes, I did! Yeah, that would probably be Coyote Morning, then.

  • Most fun story?
    To write, or to read? To write, that would probably be A Bit Unhealthy, just because I really got into trying to make something unworkable work. Or possibly my hp_canon_fest, because I [CENSORED FOR REASONS OF FEST SECRECY], though I maybe only [ALSO CENSORED].

    To read? Dunno. Probably the last Ember to Ember extras. Or Coyote Morning.

  • Story with single sweetest moment?
    I can never answer this question.

  • The story that made you cry?
    My stories only make me cry with frustration. Though I did feel a bit blue for all I put poor George and Angelina through in A Bit Unhealthy. Ditto poor George and Lee in Coyote Morning.

  • Hardest story to write?
    hd_holidays. For the reason above.

    This is making it sound like it's a sucky story, which I don't think it is - actually, I ended up really liking it - but it was a bitch to work on.

  • Easiest story to write?
    Weirdly enough, hp_canon_fest.

  • Most overdue story?
    Didn't have one. Maybe the Ember to Ember extras. Though I never set a time limit on those, so in the immortal words of Gandalf, "A wizard is never late: he always arrives precisely when he intends to."

    Not sure that's the exact quote. Maybe the words aren't so immortal after all ;)

  • Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
    Took one that I can't talk about, [SECRECY AGAIN] but which taught me that I can't do that particular writing trick.

    And I tried to write for two fests at once. Which taught me the same thing.

    ::sigh:: More Cowbell.

  • Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
    Not a single one.

    Possibly write Ron/Harry again. I ache to enter the harryronbigbang, but am seriously chickening out. In part because of the harsh lesson of two fests at once. I'm already in for hpgeorgecentric.

  • Total word count for 2009
    ... 155,877

    Holy. ::blink:: OK, forget trickling and seeping, and make that streaming, then.
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