Warning! Het ahead!

Jan 10, 2010 10:12

OK, the first week of posting over at hp_canon_fest is up, and here's a list of fics & pics. I can't do actual recs, since I'm in the fest, but the ♥♥♥ indicate a fic or pic I thought was particularly interesting. It's not an objective value judgement of worth in any way; merely an indication that something clicked with me, because it was particularly well done, or touched on a topic or pairing I happen to like, or 'cause I ate a proper breakfast the day it was posted :)

  1. Title: Score!, Ron & Hermione, picpost, Mild R
    Summary: Ron visits Hermione at Hogwarts and lives out a fantasy.

  2. Title: Entwined, Lily/James, Lucius/Narcissa, 7,164 words, PG-13 ♥♥♥
    Summary: Two mothers, two sons, two prophecies.

  3. Title: Counting Scars, Ron/Hermione, 8443 words, PG
    Summary: Ron and Hermione during the aftermath of the War. "I cried for him rejecting me and everybody else, and for that first kiss that never got another peaceful chance to be repeated."

  4. Title: I Missed You, Ron/Hermione, mention of other canon couples, 6500-7000ish words, PG-13 for language and allusions to lovin. ♥♥♥
    Summary: Theirs was a closeness defined by separation.
    Warnings: Brief bad language and saucy flirtation. Nudity of people old enough to have a grandchild. Ellipsis abuse, and appalling dependency on italics.

  5. Title: Firsts and Fortune Cookies, Primarily George/Angelina, with mentions of several others, 9,479 words, PG-13 ♥♥♥
    Summary: George and Fred experience living on their own for the first time after leaving school in a spectacular manner, first days of being shop owners, first foray into Muggle culture (courtesy of their friends), first loves, first loss, and the first product to really give them a hard time.
    Warnings: Slight language and suggestiveness

  6. Title: A Slight Change of Plans, Ron/Hermione, 1753 words, NC-17
    Summary: Ron is planning to hit the pub with Harry. Hermione has other ideas.
    Warnings: Frottage, Voyeurism

  7. Title: 9 Hours Later, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, ~3500 words, Hard R/Light NC-17
    Summary: What were they supposed to do, date? Get to know each other?
    Warnings: First time sex. Post-DH.

  8. Title: I've Never..., Neville/Hannah, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, George/Angelina, 6000 words, R/NC17
    Summary: Hannah learns more about her friends than she ever wanted to know at her Hen Party, but Neville reaps the benefits.
    Warnings: mention of threesome and femme slash (in passing-no details)

  9. Title: The Honeymoon, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Arthur/Molly, picpost, R ♥♥♥
    Summary: There are some things you just don't wanna know your parents did when they were your age.
    Warnings: some nudity, this post is image heavy (dial-uppers, beware!)

  10. Title: It had better be worth it, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, 9,449 words, NC-17
    Summary: The road to parenthood is tough, but Ron and Hermione are war heroes, they are strong enough, they can handle it.
    Warnings: Lots of sex, lots of food, some sex with food, very light bondage.

  11. Title: One More Thing, Ron/Hermione, 2896 words, Hard R ♥♥♥
    Summary: The night after the battle, Ron has trouble sorting through everything that happened. Luckily, Hermione knows just what he needs.
    Warnings: Canon deaths mentioned. Sexual content

  12. Title: Too Hot to Fly, Harry/Ginny, picpost, R
    Summary: On a miserably hot summer day at the Burrow, Ginny entices Harry to follow her to an enchanted oasis in the forest.

  13. Title: A Long Road Travelled, Harry/Ginny, Neville/Hannah, ~5,800 words, NC-17
    Summary: Not knowing how to get his married life back on track, help arrives in the form of a good friend and some good advice.
    Warnings: Angst, not overly smutty smut, but there is some!

  14. Title: The Best is Yet to Be . . ., Arthur/Molly, Bill/Fleur, Draco/Asteria, Harry/Ginny, James/Lily, Neville/Hannah, Percy/Audrey, Ron/Hermione, Teddy/Victoire, Vernon/Petunia, 7112 words, R ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
    Summary: "Because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." - When Harry Met Sally. Popping the question is never simple, and no two proposals are alike.
    Warnings: Strong language, sexual situations, moments of tooth-decaying fluff

  15. Title: Something Interesting, Lily/James, 2606 words, PG-13
    Summary: Lily Evans wants a certain James Potter to tell her a story. Potter, naturally, panics.
    Warnings: Some foul language

Plus two more random art recs, not from hp_canon_fest:
  1. No Regrets, by kath-ballantyne, Harry/Ron, Ginny/Dean, NC-17
    Summary: Harry and Ron's lives hadn't quite worked out how they had planed.
    Warnings: Dean/Ginny wedding, sex scene
  2. Property of the Half-Blood Prince, by tudorpot, beffeysue, camillo1978, G
    Summary: In the early months of 2009, magical restoration work finally reached the Room of Requirement. During the previous ten years, a team had meticulously worked their way through Hogwarts, floor by floor, restoring portraits, sculptures, tapestries, books, and furniture, damaged in the final battle in May 1998. Their work was aided in some part by the built-in protection charms necessary for any building housing hundreds of magical adolescents. However, fire suppression and other charms could only do so much in the face of the dark magik wielded by Death Eaters, and the most damaging of these magiks was Fiendfyre.
    Warnings: includes animal dissection
    Extra warning, from me: OMFG I've got to stop reading. It's freaking fascinating. They've recreated fifteen pages of Snape's Potions textbook!
    Thanks so, so much for the link, schemingreader!


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