
Dec 30, 2009 23:41

Think I started this post... about a month ago? Maybe? Adding on whenever I got more than five minutes online. December is a RL bitch.

  • First off, my own hd_holidays fic!
    No, silly, not the one I wrote. That would be rather unrulerly unruly against the rules. The one that was written for me, by a lovely anonyperson!
    Title: Under the Influence
    Pairings: H/D
    Summary: When Harry is forced to take on a job that is far from what he is used to, he finds it an extra nuisance that he is being saddled with one Draco Malfoy; the one man in the whole wizarding world he most desperately wants to forget.
    Rating: R
    Warnings: DH-compliant but EWE, also not heeding any of JKR's interviews
    Length: ~12.500
    Author’s Notes: Dear Annafugazzi, I really, really hope you enjoy the fic - I definitely had a lot of fun writing it! Many thanks to my terrific betas M and P.
    Excerpt: "Harry! Please." Malfoy cocked his head and smiled his crooked smile at Harry, that particular smile that curled the left corner of his mouth and never failed to make Harry want to jump and strangle him, or kiss him, instantaneously.
    Rec: Well, it's hard to know what to say about a fic written especially for you, because of course it's gonna hit a lot of your kinks, but I think what I liked most about this were the unexpected bits of prose that just came outta nowhere and caused my kids to look at me funny every time I chortled, whether it was at Ron's reaction to Harry working with Draco, or Luna's abominable and unidentifiable pet, or the... unexpected soap.
    Oh, and the slowly darkening mystery in the background? Very nice :) :) :)

  • Next, one I have been (mostly) patiently waiting for ever since miss-bowtruckle posted Green and said it had sidebars in ficlimbo.
    TITLE: Whispered Words
    PAIRING/CHARACTER/GENERAL SERIES: George Weasley/Hermione Granger
    GENRE: Het.
    PROMPT: 13 - Red
    RATING: Teen - suggestion of sex.
    WORD COUNT: 381
    SUMMARY: George and Hermione enjoy a dance at their wedding reception.
    NOTES: Set in the same universe as my 2009 hermionebigbang fic, Green.
    Rec: Can't quote it, as it's only 381 words long, but I will say this: aaawww!!!

  • Then, Percy/Oliver! No, really!
    Title: Brilliant
    Author: Margot/midnight_birth
    Pairing: Oliver/Percy
    Rating: NC-17
    Warning: Alcohol abuse (one characrter gets smashed), scenes of explicit sexual nature. Info given by JKR in subsequent interviews about Percy’s future (wife and kids and all) is disregarded.
    Word Count: 4,098
    Summary: As far as Percy is concerned, Oliver hasn’t ever cared for anything beside Quidditch. When Oliver brings a date to Harry and Ginny’s wedding, however, Percy is resolved that if Oliver is capable of noticing other blokes romantically, he should be one of them. Unfortunately, Percy is very stale at wooing, and Oliver isn’t looking for what Percy is prepared to give.
    Excerpt: Ginny looks beautiful, and Harry looks like he slept with a coat hanger in his mouth.
    Rec: I ::heart:: Percy. So, so much. And drunk Percy is a thing of beauty and a joy to behold.

  • Title: Four Weddings and a Funeral
    Author: ishafel
    Rated: PG
    Lenght: 501 words
    Pairings: Various Canon Pairings
    Summary: Five things that happened to the Blacks.
    Excerpt: Bellatrix is married in the spring, when war is still a game for children and a nightmare for old men.
    Rec: Um. Wow. Has a bit of a kick. A lovely kick, though, if kicks can be lovely.

  • OK, I haven't read everything in hp_darkfest, but must say that despite some absolute gems, this one is by far my favourite. A feeling echoed by quite a few folks, so it's likely a lot of my flist has already read it. Oh well.
    I actually had a tinge of disappointment when I found out the author was someone I knew, because I'd sort of wanted it to be somebody I'd never heard of, so I could read everything she'd ever written. It was rickey_a, whose fic I already know and love well, but hey! An excuse to go re-read! Not a bad thing!
    Anyway, here it is:
    Title: His Father's Son
    Pairing(s): Scorpius/Albus Severus, Draco/Astoria (implied)
    Summary: Scorpius Malfoy tries to find his own way in the world.
    Rating: NC-17
    Word count: ~7,200
    Warnings/Spoilers: Last time I tried using the highlight-to-read trick, a reader got involuntarily spoiled anyway. So I'll just invite you to go and read it, highlighting over the warning on the fic itself, and keep in mind it's from darkfest please.
    Excerpt: "I didn't want to intrude on your time with Albus. You seem to enjoy it so much, that I didn't want you to miss out by having to worry about your old father watching over you. You deserve to have him to yourself."
    Rec: To be honest, part of why I loved this so much was that it wasn't as dark as I'd been dreading. It still hurt - a lot - but there was beauty and hope in there as well.

  • Title: Voodoo Child
    Author: croatoan6000
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: H/D
    Words: 4,594
    Warnings: mild violence, sexual references. Crack!fic
    Summary: Draco suspects Harry of cheating, and will go to any lengths to find out if he’s right...
    Prompts: Romantic comedy, cats, guns, brains, voodoo chicken.
    Excerpt: “Ginny!” Draco forced his face into a smile that made him look like he had stomach cramps. “You’re looking especially lovely today. That shirt really brings out your... um... breasts.”
    Rec: Oh, wow, brilliant crackfic. A perfect counterbalance to thoughty-plotty angst.


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