I Need A Break!!

Oct 04, 2006 19:50

I'm in the middle of getting the house ready for Erin's b'day party on Sunday but I'm in need of a break so I thought I'd sit and LJ for awhile.

Shawn is playing Donkey Kong on ye old Nintendo (it's no Xbox or PlayStation but it keeps all of 'em entertained) and he's getting pretty good at it,with that amazing hand/eye co-ordination of his...

I went bowling last night and didn't have as good of a night as I had a few weeks ago,but it was okay. Two weeks ago I had a 120,124,and a 113,and then last week I had a 135,123,and a 113 (what's with the 113s in that last game? Dunno),but this week I was all off-kilter (I blame it on Erin's incessant chattering) and had a lackluster night (I often have those though) with a 117,110,and 121. That last one was saved only by a strike in the 8th,a spare in the 9th,and a decent 10th. My average had been a respectable (for me,anyway) 123 but that's probably down the toilet. Oh well. Shawn needs to school me on hand/eye co-ordination I guess.

Where the HELL has the rain been around here? Rain has been forecasted time after time,and then we get squat. "It's to the north" or "It's to the south". Eh,shut up. One of our local weatherpeople really grated on my nerves tonight because he was like,"Well the good news is the rain should be out of the area for the rest of the evening..." I'm like,what rain??? And why is it good news that it's "out of the area???" To me that is not good news. We haven't had rain in forever again,and it's been a long time since we've had a good t'storm,dammit.

Well,I know I could go on but I shant. Need to get back to cleaning something cuz it's not done yet. Still have shopping to do (though not tonight) and all that jazz,and despite my pleas for a self-cleaning house it just doesn't happen. I don't really mind cleaning that much,but when one does it every day it gets a bit redundant... *sigh*

cleaning, birthday, rain, bowling

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