Am I getting back into daily blogging? Who knows. It might get me to finally open my inbox, though ^^;; Maybe I’ll go through it this weekend.
This morning I had to get up pretty early, because my first class started ten minutes before I officially have to be at work. (Are they allowed to do that, I don’t know, but they did.) I’ve been having trouble waking up lately, I end up falling back asleep. But I managed to get to work on time (the office was still closed ^^;;).
Today, just like yesterday I worked together with the other ALT. This time it went pretty well, and it wasn’t as chaotic. We started with the sixth years, who did okay, and seemed to be paying more attention than last time I was there, so that was good.
This was followed by the fifth years, who did very well. The third years did great too and the fourth years were sometimes a bit distracted but otherwise did well. Our last class was the first years, who were really into the games and did great. With that, we had had all students of this particular school. It is my smallest elementary school, with a total of 17 students. 8 sixth years, 3 fifth years, 2 fourth years, 2 third years 0 second years and 2 first years. Which means most classes are two students vs two (or sometimes three) teachers. It means the students get a lot more attention so that’s a really good thing, but it’s harder to do group things/ games with so few people xD
Overall, it was a pretty uneventful day.
And I managed to upload some drawings. All Johnny's are decidedly not that great... I wonder why ><