Jul 30, 2007 15:02
Well, I survived the terrible ordeal of wisdom teeth removal. I had to get all four out so my mouth/jaw is still terribly sore on all sides - but I am alive!
I went in on Wednesday morning, quite against my will. And they hooked me up to the heart monitor and IV and all such equipment and Yvonne was nice enough to distract me by getting me talking about Mongolia - but they had already started to give me the sleeping stuff so I was getting mildly loopy and started talking about camels and elephants and talking in the little Mongolian I know. I was getting very concerned that I was going to shut my eyes but not be asleep and then they would start cutting into me while I was still fully consciuos and just as I was about to voice my concern coherent thought stopped. Of course, if you are the doctor or Yvonne, you might argue that coherent thought halted with the discusion of the camel and elephant population of Mongolia. But personally, memory stops with the worry about being awake.
My next memory of the whole ordeal is waking up with Yvonne over me taking the arm straps off of my arms. Then, supposedly (you may be the judge of this - I certainly don't remember the following details) I was taken to a recovery room and then helped out to my mom's van. My mother informed me I thought this was hilariuos at the time and could not contain my laughter as Yvonne and said mother helped me into the vehicle. I dare-say this must have been quite the sight because I had so much gauze in my swollen mouth laughter must have been quite difficult. I have little to know memory of the car ride home, although I do remember imparting my wisdom on the subject of camels and elephants upon my mother. I suppose I was quite excited about them and had to tell everyone. The ride home must have been a trip for my mother - she told me later I was reduced to tears because I wanted french fries and she could not let me have them because of my present oral state.
We drove through the pharmecy to drop off my prescription and I guess I made quite the impression on the attendant because she recognized my mother when she came back to pick up the medicine and asked if I was doing all right in a manner more questioning than needed.
When we pulled into the garage I was sure I was stable enough to transport myself into the house. I informed my mom of this fact and preceded to exit the van. My mother, being graced with wisdom, realised sooner than I did that I, in fact, did not have the strength or balance to do anything of the sort and raced around the side of the van to find me clinging to the door - unable to walk or move towards the house. She then kindly deposited me on the couch.
Dear Suzanne was kind enough to be there and set me up watching an episode first season of Arrest Development - of which I remember absolutely nothing save a slight scene of Tobias on the stage. The hours that followed are slightly more than blurry to me. My mother had gotten my heavy medication (good stuff, man) and I was quite excited to take those seeing as my mouth felt about five times larger than normal and beyond painful. But before I could have them I had to learn the lovely skill of drinking and swollowing with a numb, swollen mouth. Still groggy from the sleepy drugs and not at all cooperative, the task of giving me medicine must have been quite the challenge for my mother. But she is a brave soul.
After the good medicine I Was slightly more lucid - although Chris and Suzy may beg to differ. The bliss of those pills lasted for a few hours until my stomach decided they could no longer reside within its hallowed halls and decided that nothing related to pain medication could either for two days. So began the struggle of trying to keep my pain medication down. Over the course of the next few days my face swelled to an unmentionable size - much to the amusement of my family - and I watched so many episodes of Monk and CSI (which I have come to the conclusion that it cannot hold a candle to Law & Order)that I now feel I have a special bond with the characters. I also ingested my fair share of smoothies and milkshakes which were lovingly prepared by my patient mother. Although it took a little longer than most to recover from this ordeal I am now almost fully back to normal - with the exception of slight swelling and soreness - and ready to forget the whole thing.
P.S. My mother bought me french fries last night and they were delicious - no more need to cry.
wisdom teeth