Jul 24, 2007 15:01
Wow. I had quite the weekend! Megand and Blair came to see me and that was really great. The three of us always have the greatest time - much of which is spent giggling. They took me to ride my first roller coasters which were a-w-e-s-o-m-e! I had a great time screaming my head off.
Then, on Sunday I spoke in both services about my trip to Mongolia and to the youth group in the evening. It went pretty well I think. I got nervous - involuntarily. But my pastor was talking to me about it before I spoke and said that I just had to remember it wasn't about me. And that is so true. I am up there to tell about what God is doing in Mongolia and the work that is happening there and the things that were accomplished because of their financial and prayer support. And also to try and spark some prayers for the great country of Mongolia! So after hearing that I was much more calm and I think it went well.
I have been taking a look at my finances and I really have been spending more than I would like. I thought that during the summer I would be spending less since I am at home but it turns out that I am just bored so I go spend money. Also, I have a really hard time telling myself it is okay to buy necessary things like clothing and gas. So when I see that I spent $50 dollars one day I have to calm myself down and remind myself that it was for gas. Even with necessary purchases I have still spent more than I would like. I have plenty of money but that doesn't mean I should spend it all and I am so good at justifying things that I don't need that it isn't until I look at it all added up that I realize I really didn't need that sun dress or that DQ Blizzard. Plus, if I want to go to Mongolia next summer that means that I won't be working so I will need to be extra careful about financs from here on out. It just sucks because I know that there will be a lot of times this year when my friends will be doing things and I will have to stay home because I'll need to save the money. On the upside, I will be SUPER busy with my class load, so maybe I won't even have time to think about doing fun stuff. gah! I just need to stop spending money - and I don't even want to think about getting set up for school with notebooks and pens etc and stuff for my new dorm. Maybe if I just go to my happy place . . . but I figure, that with all this freaking out about my financial situation I'll build it up so much in my head and stop spending money . . . ??? maybe. :)
Okay, so tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth out and I am super scared so prayers on your part would be welcome. I've never had anything like this done - surgery or and IV or anything hospital related so I am more than a little nervous. Okay, now I have to go do some more work.