Jul 31, 2007 10:06
Hello, friends. Well, I finally broke down and did it. I made a count down for the hours I have left here at work. 109 is the current count. This makes it seem worse than it is - but Erin put it aptly when she said she didn't really mind work, she'd just rather be home. This is very true. I don't love my work, it isn't meaningful, I don't see the greater purpose, I am not passionate about it. It's data entry . . . you do the math. Anyway, since I don't feel anything like that about it, it is hard for me to be really excited about going to work for nine hours every day. I'd rather be at home doing something else - like collaging or reading or something. Unfortunately, that does not pay well, or actually at all, so I am here counting down the hours.
A double plus for being done with work is going back to school. I love my family and I love spending extended time with them and just living with them. But I am ready to go back to school. I can feel my mind turning to mush and I haven't the self discipline to do huge intellectual things on my own so my mind is mushing. On top of that I've only seen two of my school friends this summer - we've been spread out over the continent and the world and that makes it hard to schedule meetings. :D I am looking forward to continuing the relationships I made this last year. FRIENDS YAY!
Unfortunately, going back to OK means leaving Topeka friends. I've seen some high school friends like Paul, Rob, Chris and James several times and that has been SO nice! It is so good to see them doing good things and being happy. It'll be a bummer to go back to having 4 months seperate our meetings. It also means leaving the only person who thinks I'm funny . . . aka Erin. That'll be a blow to my ego. ha ha
School, school, school. Darn it, I haven't begun to pack. But I have begun the even more important task of collaging notebook covers. I've done two and they are splendid. I'll have to post pictures. I think I am going to do a map themed one next . . . hmmm . . . I'll have to think about that one.
SPEAKING OF NOTEBOOKS >>> For those of you in college who are notetakers What types of notebooks do you use? Do you have a one subject notebook for each class or do you have a couple big ones that you use for all of your classes? I haven't yet found the method that works for me . . . I need insight!
Okay, well this has been an interesting post . . . very rambly . . . that's what you get when I use my breaks for typing updates . . . lucky yous!