My updating fail, let me show you it!

Oct 09, 2011 15:38

Hello, hello.

It's not as though anything hugely exciting has been happening for that past few months; it's been largely same old, same old (thought I did manage to squeeze in a trip to London - huzzah!). I also saw the Parked screening at NYU - the film was great, but terribly sad and I will probably never watch it again.

But, Colin. Oh, COLIN. He's just so incredibly lovely in it. So tragic and heartbreaking, yet lovely all the same. I cried. A lot.

Fandom-wise, I've been trying to get my plot bunnies into order. I don't know why, but I tend to go into shut-down mode after I finish a story. It's annoying, because it kept me from finishing my reel_merlin story (though I stand firm in my belief that the deadline was way too close to the end of BB). I still fully intend to write my Merlin/Arthur Letters to Juliet story - I have got about 3,000 words on it already, so we shall see how that goes.

I think I also already have an idea for next year's Big Bang (ambitious, I know). It terrifies me a bit, though, because it will be massive and have a lot of action-y scenes. I am not entirely convinced I can pull it off. I will probably sign up for BB, angst about the story, procrastinate in writing it, then drop out and write it for the following round - kinda like I did for this last one.

Speaking of which, I am so happy with the reception the story got =) The comments have been really lovely. I've had lots of requests for PDFs, so I am considering putting it up on AO3. We shall see.

On a completely unrelated note, I appear to have fallen headfirst into The Eagle fandom. I am not sure why, as I tried it when the movie first came out and couldn't get into it at all. And then out of sheer boredom I read a modern AU, and now I cannot get enough. Thankfully, I am late enough to the party that there's plenty out there already. YAY! I will probably never write it, but I sure as heck enjoy reading it!

writing, merlin, life for real, the eagle

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