Actually, the holiday season had gone pretty smoothly and mostly lay-back until today. Last weekend The Spousal Unit and I treated ourselves to an early Friday evening at Downtown Disney Westside to see the Festival of the Masters, which we'd only ever gone to once before years ago when it used to be held at the Disney Marketplace. Then last week I took myself to the Orlando Museum of Art to partake of the annual Festival of the Trees, just to get me in the mood and all. I've made a small dent in the Christmas shopping, and our plans to head up to my sister-in-law's place for Thanksgiving had been nailed down. The only bump in the road on this front is that The Boy has to work on Thanksgiving, but he doesn't so much mind because he gets paid time and a half and they put on a Thanksgiving feast for the employees who have to work that day anyway. I was going to cook a little pre-Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday night that he could enjoy with us, but earlier in the month we had ordered tickets to a Magic game that night, courtesy of a special offer/discount through The Girl Child's high school and her passing of the state FCAT (so now she can graduate next year - rah). Thus dinner plans were never seriously planned so we could all do this instead. Then this morning I talked to the ticket office and because these special deal tickets were first come, first serve, they didn't have us on the list and didn't think we had made the cut, and were going to give us an option for a later game day.
So fine, a last-minute change in plans prompted me to hit Super Target and Publix this morning to get all the ingredients for the Wednesday night pre-Thanksgiving feast. Then I get home this afternoon to receive a phone call from the ticket office saying that we did score the tickets after all. Oy! So now I'll probably cook a pre-pre-Thanksgiving feast for tomorrow night because I've got everything here and it kinda has to get cooked now, only The Girl Child won't be around because she has tickets to a concert. Plus I had invited My Sibling to dinner on Wednesday night, and now I have to see if she can change her plans to tomorrow night instead, but I haven't been able to get a hold of her yet.
Typical holiday snafu. Why do we try?
Hit an early showing of Casino Royale on Friday afternoon, and The Spousal Unit and I loved it! Oh, honey, this guy is mama's Bond! ROWRRRRRR!!!! The Real McCoy. Seriously, all those other pretty boys, except for maybe Sean Connery, are posers, IMO. I honestly thought the darker, grittier Bond, with no reliance at all on the silly campy gadgetry that has made a joke of the genre over the last 20 years, was just the shot in the arm the franchise needed. For the first time ever I could honestly believe this guy was emotionally and physically capable to be a genuine spy, and that this really was a dangerous fucking job held by a select few individuals who understood their life expectancy was going to be short. We were impressed, and I can't wait to get this one on dvd. :)
I'm way behind on my flist. Gonna try and play a little catch-up after dinner and before tonight's episodes of Prison Break and Heroes (save the cheerleader!).
Note to
kronette: Thanks for the dvds sweetie! *smooch*
Note to all my Rob Lowe-luvin' pals: OMG, he was STUNNING on last night's episode of Brothers and Sisters! I think he's found his niche. :)