Work work work!

Sep 12, 2012 11:15

Well I'm in week 2 of being fully assimilated into my new position at work. The move from managing a small group of technicians and still handling a handful of inbound support calls to full supervisor of not only the call center but also the enterprise group has to say the least been overwhelming. I have been constantly reminding myself that they would not have given me this promotion if they didn't think I could handle it - sometimes hard to do when your ass deep in aligators! For the first couple weeks I was in training with the guy who use to hold down this position, Jon, and I had that saftey net to fall back on when I got lost in procedure and other mess, last week was the first week without him over here. Not that he isn't a quick walk away in the networking department, but I do want to stand alone as much as I can. Today we had one of our bi-monthly on-site meetings with this huge 1700+ users  pharmicutical company for which we handle all their help desk support and monitoring. I knew Jon wouldn't be going this time, but I had no idea that my boss Eric also would be unable to attend. There was some IT emergency at one of our telcos in Kentucky and he left this morning to go handle that. So basically I got thrown into the pit, having only ever attended one of these presentations, all of a sudden there I was - the only rep from API - leading the entire meeting. I was literally speaking out loud a mantra of "I can do this. I can do this." the entire drive there. When I got there, the reps from the company had forgotten to report the meeting to the security office so I had to wait 15 minutes for them to clear my entry. I'm not gonna lie I was freaking out a little. Once that was all sorted, everything went relatively smoothly. At least I knew of most of the issues they wanted to discuss enough not to sound like a total idiot haha. I think I have always has the ability to turn on "act like your holding a good hand - even when you aren't" mode - which is super handy when being thrown into situations where I am completely uncomfortable. You might laugh but as I was driving up there and had absoluely no plan whatsoever as to what I was going to say or do [other than the call reports I had written THIS morning] I thought about the Doctor Who episode with Vincent and The Doctor: "You do have a plan, don't you?" "No, I have a thing. It's like a plan, but with more greatness." - Haha, so it's okay, The Doctor never has a plan :P Everything did wind up going smoothly so I feel like now I definitely can handle all this crazy work... even when I have no idea what I'm doing!

the doctor, api, work

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