pretend there's something witty here

Jul 19, 2011 22:15

No matter how much I try, I can't seem to update here as much as I used to.

Today I decided to take Devon to the Museum of the Moving Image. I had never been there before, but it looked like it would be interesting. Plus, they had just opened up a Jim Henson exhibit, and I freaking love muppets. In any case, we left the house around 9:30am, so that we get to the museum around the time it opened. As luck would have it, we got there around the same time as a school bus full of kids did. The museum itself is very nice though. It's very bright and modern - my kind of style. The first thing you come across in the gallery is a viewing amphitheater. They were screening Jim Henson's "Timepiece" which was really weird, but good. Devon and I decided to watch the whole thing, and then made are way through the other galleries.

Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the Jim Henson exhibit - even though it was AMAZING. They had some of the very first muppets he made, the sketches he made while designing his muppets, and they were screening the commercials his muppets were a part of. They were also screening a film on his legacy.

Overall, it was a very fun trip ♥

Oh yeah, totally off-topic, but I finally got around to making a tumblr. Let me know yours?


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