it's so hot outside omg

Jul 11, 2011 17:27

Thursday was pretty fun. The Hall of Science opens at 9:30am, so we left around 9 since I knew the bus ride would be a long one. Devon thought it would take only 15 minutes to get there, so he was surprised when I told him that it would be closer to an hour. And of course, my luck was spectacular, so we missed our stop. We got off on the one right after it, so it wasn't so bad. The walk from the bus stop to the Hall of Science was kind of rough though, especially since it was so hot outside. I never actually told Devon where we were going, so the way he kept asking "Is it this?", "Is that it?", "Are we there yet?". Behind the Hall of Science there are two space shuttles and as soon as Devon saw them he started jumping up and down and hugging me since he figured it out. When I was buying the tickets he had latched on to me and kept going "Thank you Nini!" - it was really cute ♥

The Hall of Science itself was pretty fun. I hadn't been there since I was about 7, so it was completely different than I remember. Playing with the exhibits made me feel like a kid again. We saw comets being made, controlled a mars rover, explored a mine, steered an underwater robot, and more. There was an area called "The Sports Challenge" where we got to surf, play basketball, race, etc. The only bad thing is that our visit seemed to end too soon. In total we were there for about 2-3 hours? By then Devon was tired and hungry. I was going to take him to the cafe that was there, but it was seriously crowded with all the kids that went there for trips. It took forever, but I was able to get him on the bus home and we ended up going to McDonald's. It was the last day they were giving out Pokemon toys and he (and I!) got a Zekrom, so he was happy.

On Saturday I got to meet up with scones! We met up at Grand Central Station again, and took the train to Astor Place. Our first stop was Udon West, where we ate and talked about the anime we're watching and the manga we're reading~ Next was Toy Tokyo. I love all the stuff there, but I couldn't find anything that I really wanted to buy. I picked up some Pokemon cards for Devon though - and Molly got these really cute earbuds. We went to a place called 'Search and Destroy', which was pretty cool. Most of it wasn't my style, but I loved the atmosphere of the place. There was this shirt I liked - it was white with Japanese writing on it - but it was way too small. If it was my size I'm pretty sure I would have bought it. After that was a place called 'Trash and Vaudeville'. That was also a pretty cool place, but the shoes were ridiculously expensive. We walked around and ended up at a place called 'Eight Bit and Up' next. They had an extensive collection of video games - I don't think I've ever seen that many from so many different systems in one place! Neither of us ended up buying anything though.

After Molly grabbed some tea from a Mud truck, we made our way over to Union Square. I had wanted to go to Forbidden Planet, so we headed over there. It's been so long since I bought manga, that I had no idea what to get. I picked up volume 8 The Magic Touch and when I went to pay for it, it was only a dollar! I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least. Molly picked up some candy~ We sat in the park for a little bit, until I suggested Barnes&Noble. I had no idea that Sakura Hime Kaden had been licensed, so I picked up all the volumes that were out so far. I totally forgot to check for Mistress Fortune though DX I will end up getting it though, since I have all of Arina Tanemura's work - it just wouldn't be right if my collection wasn't complete! After Barnes&Noble Molly and I headed back to the park and sat and talked for the rest of our time together. We also were watching some film students make a movie, but I couldn't tell what it was about.

Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot! Molly also gave me this! Isn't she the best? All in all, I had a lot of fun - I can't wait until the next time we meet up ♥

awesome molly gets a tag, wall of text, life

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