it's been too long

May 24, 2011 18:02

I can't believe it's almost been 3 weeks since I last posted - I've been neglecting this journal. I'm gonna have to find another one of those 30 day memes so I can actually post more.

In any case, this past Saturday was the awards ceremony that I had mentioned before. When I first got the invitation, I thought it would be a small affair - they'd give a speech, hand out the medals, and be done with it. I was completely wrong. When we got to the student union it was packed beyond packed. There weren't even enough seats, so some people ended up standing. I thought that was pretty stupid, since we had to rsvp - they knew exactly how many people would be showing up. I was also kind of miffed, because the award ceremony for Lubin School of Business got to be in Pace's Schimmel Theater (which is where they film 'Inside the Actors Studio') and Dyson gets the dinky student union. Favoritism at it's best, I tell you. ANYWAY. The ceremony itself was pretty nice. There were a lot of different awards being given out. It made me feel a little bad, since I wish I had done more during my college career, but I'm not gonna dwell on it. I had responsibilities at home that had to be taken care of, and I still accomplished a lot. It felt like it took forever to get to the Latin awards - Devon had fallen asleep by then. It's not like I was the only one getting a medal, but I was still nervous. The last thing I wanted was to trip and fall onstage. Everything went off without a hitch though, so that's good.

It's a little smaller than I was thinking, but it still makes me really happy. I swear I almost cried when I got it ///

And here's a picture of my diploma, since I don't think I've shared it. I still need to get a frame for it. I also really like how it has my middle name, it's my only certificate that does.

Other than that, nothing really has been going on. It's been all icons and job-hunting mostly, as weird as that combination sounds. I applied for a job at JCPenney, but didn't get it. I've also applied for some receptionist jobs, but the ones I'm really focusing on are my applications for a job at Scholastic or Random House. Ultimately my goal is to work at a book publisher, so this would make me really happy.

As for icons, I've never been so productive. Even though it gets kind of annoying, I think participating in that 'Icons 365' was a really good idea - it gives me a goal and makes me create. Right now, I'm focusing on iconning the entire Dragonball manga - I just finished with volume 14, which had the death of King Piccolo and the introduction of Ma Junior. I'm almost at the start of Dragonball Z, and I can't wait, because that means Gohan! And you just know he's gonna be everywhere X3

I'm still planning on doing that 'manga coloring spam post', but I'm just figuring out how to make out the post itself. There's also a manga coloring that I'm planning on doing~

this got a little long, talking about dragonball again, wall of text, life

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