just like a baby

Dec 12, 2010 20:47

✖ I thought I was getting better, but I guess not. I'm not as sick as I was a couple weeks ago, but I still don't feel well. That's why I'll be sending the cards out tomorrow. I meant to send them out yesterday, but my head was killing me. I'll be going shopping tomorrow anyway, so I'll just stop by the mail box.

✖ Only two more weeks left of class. In Keyboarding and Art of Film I've only got finals left to take. In my Graphic Novel class, I've got the final version of my last few pages to do. I pulled an all-nighter the other day to finish the final essay for my Com class because I thought it was due Thursday, but then I find out it's due this week. After I got over my anger, I was relieved since I have it done now. Finally for my Digital Design class, I have to take my logo and place in a picture. I plan to take a picture similar to this and replace all the billboards.

✖ It took a couple of days, but I've caught up with Beelzebub. That series is hilarious, I love it so much. I just can't get over how cute Baby Beel is! I also read the final chapter of Hana to Akuma - I've heard a lot of people complain about it, but I really like that the mangaka ended it that way. Originally, I thought of it as a bittersweet ending, but now I see it as a really happy one.

✖ I also watched the final episode of Katanagatari yesterday. I'm not gonna lie - I was sobbing throughout the whole thing. I can't remember the last time something I watched affected me like this. It was just so well done. It's heart-breaking and emotional, and all the development, character or otherwise, built up perfectly to this point. It has truly become one of my most favorite anime of all time. I sound like a broken record, but I would definitely recommend it - and now that it's finished, you don't need to worry about month-long waiting periods between episodes. As for me, I'll be looking for the novels next.

✖ Since I'll be sending out the cards tomorrow, I thought it'd be a good time to re-pimp my manga coloring request post.

How have you guys been? ♥

being sick sucks, singing its praises, life, fangirling

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