A little late, but happy December!

Dec 04, 2010 20:36

On the way to class Wednesday, I had suddenly got that my period had started, and I began to mentally freak out. I have dysmenorrhea and with the way my schedule is, I'm usually home when it happens so I can make do. As it was, I just prayed that the pain wouldn't be as bad as usual and prepared to force myself through class. It worked at first - I was hurting while in Digital Design, but I could deal with it. It got worse when I got to my Graphic Novel class. I started to feel nauseous and if felt like I had been stabbed and someone was twisting the knife. I can't even describe how much pain I was in. I decided to text my mother to see if she could ask my dad if he'd pick me up. My mother text me back saying he agreed to it, and I felt relieved.

Of course, not even five minutes later, I get another text that says he changed his mind and he doesn't want to do it. He called me and told me that the traffic is crazy, so he's not driving in it. I started tearing up right in class. When this happens to me I get really scared - I'm prone to passing out and I already had trouble standing. I really didn't want to be alone while I went home. My father says he'd do anything for me, but when I'm in serious pain, he won't drive me home because of traffic. He's totally okay with driving to another state to pick up a friend that called him 10 at night though.

I ended up going home by myself, which only made me sicker. It was so warm in the trains and so cold outside that the temperature changes when I would switch trains made me even more nauseous. I made it home and the first thing I did was take a bath. After that, I literally passed out and didn't wake up until the next day.

✖ I ended up staying home from class on Thursday because I was still hurting. I hate missing class, but I didn't think I could make it the whole day with the way I was feeling. Friday was substantially better.

✖ Has anyone read Beelzebub? I've been meaning to read it - it looks really good. The new Reborn! chapter was also amazing. It is honestly the best chapter I have read in a long time. Ditto for the newest Hana to Akuma chapter - it was the chapter I was waiting the whole series for!

✖ I'm also working on an icon post that I hope to have up by Christmas. I am still in a kind of funk, but I feel like I'm making progress, even if it's a little.

✖ As for Christmas Cards, I will be sending them out on either Friday or Saturday. Please look forward to them!

Oh, I almost forgot! Thank you to whoever sent me that v-gift ♥

random stuff, life

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