this is ridiculous

Dec 16, 2010 08:28

✖ I still have yet to get better. When I got home last night I started feeling really bad and conked out, and when I woke up this morning my throat was killing me. This cold weather is such a hassle. Everyone in the house is sick, and it just seems like we're trading symptoms. I know that I'll eventually get better, but I wish it would be sooner rather than later.

✖ I managed to send out the cards on Monday, so hopefully they reach you guys in good condition. I hope you like them! I also went out to do some shopping - I picked up a K'nex set for Devon and got a Yoshi doll for my friend Michelle. I also saw the coolest Legend of Zelda hat that I might pick up for Chris. At Kmart, there was a super-cute pair of boots that I bought. I love them so much!

I'll be going out shopping again tomorrow, since I need to finish getting Christmas presents.

✖ Tuesday I took my Keyboarding final which wasn't too bad. I know that I got a couple questions on the written part wrong, but I also know that I did everything else fine. Plus, it's Keyboarding - I know I'm passing that class. Today I have my Film Studies final. I'm a little worried, but I'm sure I'll do okay. In my Graphic Novel class yesterday, we went over the third pages of our comics, and talked about how we will finish them. The professor said he really likes how mine is coming along, so I'm happy. I'm nearly done - all I really have to do is put the last couple of pages into Photoshop. When it's all finished, I'll upload it so you guys can see~

✖ I'm still working on that icon post for skiesareorange. It won't be a very big one, but it's Christmas-themed and I'm doing my best to have it done so I can post it. I also have another post that I had been working on, so hopefully after the Christmas one I can finish and put it up on the comm. This is a small preview ♥

✖ I'm also thinking of changing my layout here. I still adore Mikado, but change is good. I had actually started putting together a new layout based on Katanagatari a couple months ago, but then life got busy. I will most likely finish that one up and use it. Of course, I'm still hesistant because I really really like how this layout turned out. It's one of my favorites.

How are you flist? ♥

random stuff, school, being sick sucks, life

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