Guys, something's going on.
If anyone's interested in what I've been reading about for the past few months, and what I've stumbled onto (I can barely wrap my head around it), and what I think of it, and even help me investigate even more into it, contact me. Oh, and by the way, it's not just one or two things, it's a lot. Stress on the "a lot" part. Once it sinks in, it might even be a little traumatic.
This is really important. This is going to change how you, quite literally, see everything. But you have to keep it in mind, that you've had social conditioning that's kept you from this stuff, making you believe it's crazy talk because it's so different.
That's also why I ask that if you're interested, two things:
While it's alright to be a skeptic, please be prepared to spend a lot of time investigating. Because of the internet (and yes, libraries), our generation has access to more information than any before us. That also, funnily enough, includes tv. Think our grandparents had the Discovery channel? And yet, our generation choses not to watch that stuff most of the time, preferring mindless American Idol or whatever. In other words, be OPEN-minded. It's actually taken me months to warm up to this brain-melting material, otherwise I would be dismissing it too. I don't think a person can just jump into this cold deep water without knowing the proper way to breathe, or wearing the right diving suit. Continuing with this crappy analogy, you'll probably want to get out of the water, saying that only a nutcase would swim in that, or maybe that it's even dangerous. Well...
Secondly, be CRITICAL. The internet presents you with a clusterfuck of information (you know this) that includes mindless memes, malevolent and garbage information, as well as kooky information, and purposefully spread misinformation. You have to be able to discern (based on what you know and believe to be credible enough to keep in mind, or resonates with other stuff you've come across) what's solid enough to throw into the pile, and what's shit.
I'm so overwhelmed, but at the same time I'm grateful I'm not blind. I'm not under a lot of pressure socially (I've never been popular), and I've had a lot of time to think about life, as well as be curious as hell about things. I can assure you I know nothing, but I definitely have a lot to consider.
I'm sure it sounds like a conspiracy theory, and let me reaffirm this belief of yours: it is, but hang in there. That's just the type of thinking that causes so many to dismiss this without looking into it.
You can't dismiss things without checking them out, you know? Don't expect journalism to pull through for the common man either. Do you know who started the 9/11 Commission? 4 widows that lost their husbands. They weren't satisfied with the reasons they were given about why their husbands had to die that day, and to this day, information is still being withheld, only a selection of their specific questions are being answered. Why do you think that is? And worse yet, the media is "spinning it" so the watches can believe that they simply can't ever be satisfied with the information they get.
Also, I think there's a sort of time-limit on this. There are subtle things here and there that are falling into place if you know where to look. Such as the pope (this year) covering his ass and saying that aliens can be considered god's children too, if they were to, hypothetically exist *cough*, and even earlier, this: And by the way, it doesn't stop at aliens. It just, doesn't. It really doesn't...
Bill Hicks, I knew he was a smart guy, but I think I never realized how smart the bastard was. Yes, even thoug he's a comedian.
I can't look at these two skits of his the same again: even more importantly, And I leave whoever's reading this with a quote from someone I'm sure a lot of us will agree was a smart guy:
"Comdemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" -Einstein
Hope for peace.